14: Two Years

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It has been about two years and Lilan has still been on my mind for some reason. It's not like we really developed a relationship or hanged out a lot. Our relationship was almost purely sexual tension, but her face pops up in my dream once in a while.

I even felt guilt because me and Namjoon are doing married yet my mind still wanders to another woman. There's still even a photo of her in my phone that I can't being myself to delete. I pulled my jacket close to me as I walked from the bus stop towards my house.

The door was locked so I pulled out my keys to unlock it. When I walked inside I heard Namjoon's voice with another person's voice.

Not again.

Not a-fucking- gain!

This time my body was filled with only heat and anger. I was sick of this shit.

I slammed the front door running upstairs to the door. "Come on, this one time wouldn't hurt."

"One time would hurt you dickhead. And dont you have a husband you drunk fuck?" The woman said not seeming to want him back.

"Yeah, and? Why should it matter to you now?" Namjoon said before anything else could be said I burst through the door to see Namjoon with his arms around the waist of...


"Oh, Jiminie. I brought your drunk ass husband back home for you. I don't know why he was drinking so early." Lilan said to me and without a second thought I smacked Namjoon. She looked surprised, but upset that I hit him. "Anyways, I leave you two."

Lilan pulled away from Namjoon. "Lilan. Wait."

"Wait, for what? No matter how many mistakes Namjoon makes you'll still be with him, right?" She said to me. "And I'm not waiting for anyone who obviously want that over something better."

When she turned around I wrapped my arms around her pulling her back against my chest. It's been so long since I seen her I didn't want her to go yet. "Jimin, let me go please."

"Lilan, I miss you so much. Please don't go yet." I said to her holding her tighter. "Not yet, please."

"Jimin, I have to go." She pulled away from me. "If you want to see me I work at B-Bar uptown. We need more customers anyways."

Then I heard her walk down the stairs slamming the door closed behind her. I smirked before walking into the room where Namjoon was drunk asleep. I just shook my head at the pathetic man. I reached into my closet grabbing my jacket. "Where are you going?" I heard him mumble on the bed.

"Out." Was all I said before I went to downstairs and out the door. I could see Lilan walking back towards a taxi she probably called and I followed behind quickly getting into the car. She shriek startled by me suddenly getting into the car. "Lilan."

"What do you want? I have work in an hour and I don't want to get fired again because of you." Lilan said though she willingly resigned.

"Listen, I'm so sorry for hitting you." I ran my hands through my hair not knowing how to make up for putting my hands on her. "Please, forgive me."

"I forgive you." She said to me quickly with her arms folded over her chest. "Now get out."

"I don't want to get out. I want to go back to your place. I want to go back to your place and make love to you." I said not knowing what the hell I was saying, but all I know it I wanted Lilan. I wanted her moaning underneath me.

Lilan chuckled looking out the window. "Love has no place in this conversation."

"So is that a no?" I asked her watching as she continued looking out the window.

"Don't make me say it out loud." Lilan said not even looking back at me, but I saw a smirk appearing on her face. "Driver take me to 603 Jinhong Lane."

Word Count: 679


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