9: Out

383 23 16

WALKING TO the door I pulled on my jacket before opening then I was surprised by Namjoon calling behind me. "Jimin, wait for me."

I looked back at him with a confused look on my face seeing him throw his jacket on. Namjoon was passing up on a chance to cheat was really strange. "O-okay." I stuttered as I walked out the front door and he came behind me as we walked to my car together. "You know I'm just going out with a friend, right?"

"Yeah I know. You don't want me to come?" Namjoon questioned me with his eyebrows raised.

I chuckled fastening my seatbelt. "Of course I would like you to come. I just wish you would have let me know so I could tell her." I said to him as we drove to our destination.

A small Korean barbecue place right downtown. It was mildly crowded as we walked through until I spotted Lilan's curly kinks standing out of course in the crowd. I decided to take up on her invitation to treat her after she saved me from Jihee. "Wassup." I said as I walked up to the table.

She had on a thick white sweater with blue jeans on. "You actually came?" She said to me a bit shocked as she pulled me into a seat beside her. "You look so cute not wearing those stuffy ass pan——"

Namjoon cleared his throat looking down at us. "Oh Lilan this is my boyfriend, Namjoon."

Lilan furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she looked up at the taller man. "Boyfriend?" She looked at me and I looked away a bit ashamed knowing she probably knew what was going on.

Her sweet face twisted into a slight frown, but she forced a smile on her face as she stood up shaking his hand. "Hi, I'm Lilan. Jimin's future wife."

I quickly snatched her hand out of his. "Lilan!" I said to her then I looked back at Namjoon. "She plays too much."

"Did I look like I was joking?" Lilan said to me as I sat her down in her seat then pulled out a chair for Namjoon to sit in. It was silent for a bit before Lilan spoke. "Oh by the way I invited a few friends."

"That's fine." I said relieved that there were other people coming besides us.

"So Jimin's future wife, where are you from?" Namjoon said to her leaning his elbows on the table with his palms.

Lilan glared at him the tension between them extremely thick. "America. How about you? Which city?"

"Ilsan." Namjoon said to her. "Why you call yourself Jimin's future wife when I'm going to he his husband?"

The tension got even thicker as they glared daggers at each other. A smile then appeared on her face. "You should be careful Namjoon. With a pretty face like Jimin's anybody besides me can snatch him up from under you."

"I'll take note of that." Namjoon told her before he looked over at me who looked away quickly knowing we're going to probably have an argument over this when we get home. "It's nice to finally be out the house for once. I'm glad I came today."

"Yeah, me too." Lilan said sounding a bit sarcastic.

The waiter came over handing us the menus. I watched as Lilan picked up my menu looking at it. "Jimin, what would you like?" She said to me leaning against the table as she looked at my face.

"Wait, I thought I was treating you?" I asked her confused.

"I was joking. I actually just wanted you to come so I could spoil you." She said in a babyish tone and a bit loud making sure Namjoon heard. I felt his body tense up from anger as he looked over at her.

"Is he jealous?" I thought to myself seeing him getting angry over Lilan just fucking with him.

"No, a woman shouldn't have to pay for a man's meal." Namjoon said peeking over the top of his menu.

"Okay, you pay. I wanted barbecue and steak." Lilan said to him before placing her small hand along top of mine. "Maybe I can spend all my money on you next time we go on a date. By ourselves!"

"You know what—-!"

Namjoon was soon cut short by someone saying. "Namjoon, what you're doing here?!"

We all looked over at the hot barista from the coffee shop, Hoseok. The one I saw Lilan all hugged up with when driving to work the other day. "Sorry, I had to close up shop." The scent of coffee still lingered as he sat beside Lilan.

"I'm here with Jimin." He said to him not even mentioning I was his boyfriend.

"Jimin's his boyfriend." Lilan said to him with a disappointed look on his face. Hoseok also looked a bit disappointed to. "Isn't that right, Namjoon? Unless you're saying you guys are single and I can have him."

I felt Namjoon's body froze. Probably not wanting him to know I was his boyfriend. "Yeah...he's my boyfriend."

A mischievous smile appeared on Hoseok radiant face as he leaned his head into his palm with a small chuckle. "How amusing."

Namjoon looked a bit worried. Which he doesn't have to because if they were to tell me something I don't know I would still stay with him. "Well, let's get to ordering. It's on Jimin's future husband!" Lilan shouted as they picked up the menu calling the waiter.


Word Count: 920

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