12: The Need To Talk

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"I DIDN'T know you had that kind of relationship with my trainee." Jihee said with her arms folded in front of her.

"W-what do you mean?" I said a bit nervously not knowing how she could possibly know what I was doing just now. Shit, what if she tell Namjoon?

She held out her phone to show me a few photos that Lilan posted of us drinking. I actually looked good in them and in all of them Namjoon looked terrible. How childish can she be?

There was even one with her sitting on my lap as I held a beer in my hand. I don't even remember that happening. "You guys look like you're having a lot of fun. Why didn't you invite me?"

I frowned at her hoping that question was rhetorical. "Why are you in here?"

"Well, since your little Chocolate Knight in Shining Armor isn't around I was going to ask can you finish up this little bit of paperwork for me?" Jihee said to me fluttering her eyes with her hands placed in front of her.

"If it's only a little bit, why can't you finish it up?" I said to her walking past her towards my desk before she placed her hand onto my chest. Facing her I saw a hint of lust in her eyes as her fingers went down my chest.

"Do this for me and I'll do something for you." I gently grabbed her wrist pulling it away.

"You're not really my type." I said to her walking towards my desk.

"You don't have to lie." She said placing her hands on her hips as she licked her lips seductively.

Though Jihee was really beautiful I don't think I could really be attracted to a woman who slept with my boyfriend some many times. I even felt disgusted when she touched me just now. "Good thing I'm not. Now can you leave and close my door."

She chuckled. "Jiminie, got a bit braver since my trainee came in."

"And she's not your trainee." I said to her. "This time you're not taking credit for how hard I worked."

"Whatever Jimin. I wasn't going to take credit for her anyways, when she screw up I don't want to take credit for any of it." Jihee said angrily walking out my office slamming my door.

I sighed leaning back against my chair looking up at the ceiling just wondering what wrong with me. I'm too scared to leave Namjoon, too scared to whole hearted confront Jihee, and too scared to admit I want Lilan's body. "I'm just a fucking coward."

I saw my office door open to see Lilan walking through it. "I need you to check for errors in these paper I had last week."

"You can probably check them yourself at this point." I said as if I was uninterested in anything she had to say.

"That would mean I don't need you anymore." Lilan said to me her words seeming like more than what she meant.

"Yep." I said to her turning my back on her in my swivel chair as I stared off into my blank screen watching her silhouette slowly leaving out the door.

"If that's what you really want." She said quietly closing the door behind herself as I sighed placing my face into my palm. This was so sentimental for people who only wanted to fuck each other.

"It's not what I want." I mumbled to myself before my phone started ringing beside me. The caller ID had Namjoon's face on it, when he used to he loyal to me. Well, at least when he didn't used to get caught.

I wad about to pick it up, but then he hanged up, and a text came through.

Joonie: Jimin, we need to talk

I gulped thinking of all the meanings behind we need to talk running through my mind before with the speed of a slug picking up my phone text back.

Jimin: about what?

Word Count: 715


The End

A/N: Sike, but this is the first book I actually am going to finish in a little minute. Most of my books I'll write and end up deleting them at the end or unpublishing them, but I'm really excited about this book.

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