8: Hero

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OPENING MY eyes I laid on my back staring up at the cieling. The sun coming through the tree branches from the horizon. Beside me I saw Namjoon sleeping soundly with his arms around me.

Last night was the first time I had a good nights sleep in a while and the first time I had an enjoyable sex too. Sitting up I removed his arms from around my bare body putting it by his side as I pulled the covers over his body.

I took a quick shower and did my daily routine before leaving the house to my car. But I didn't crank it up to drive away as I leaned back in my seat thinking about how it was because of how horny I was that this happen. Because of her. Yeah, I decided there's no harm in letting my imagination go wild, but not to this extent. I could already feel myself pulsating as I thought more about her.

I then shook my head smacking my cheeks trying to concentrate on something else. "Calm down, Jimin." I mumbled to myself while looking down at my crotch that's been having a mind of it's own lately.

Cranking up my car I finally drove out of the driveway down the road until I stopped at a stop light. There I saw the woman who's been on my mind all day running towards the bus stop where the bus was just leaving. "Wait, what is she doing on this side of town she doesn't live over here."

She stomped her feet cursing to herself about missing the bus. I was going to offer her a ride until someone came up behind her giving her a hug before she turned around smiling at them. It was that barista from the cafe I been to the last time. "Is she sleeping with Hoseok? Yet trying to sleep with me?" I then started chuckling about how I was going mad over a woman who sleep with men so quickly.

Yet I felt my pants getting tighter thinking about the act they could have done to each other. "Ah, what am I thinking about?" I mumbled to myself before I watched them walk off together. "They can't be dating...because she was trying to...the other day, though she said she didn't care if I had a boyfriend."

The horn of another car startled me after the light turned green. I then drove not expecting Lilan to make it in to work today.

She did.

"Good morning." She said to me cheerfully putting her coat onto the hanging rack in my office. She had on loose clothing that showed less of her figure. I felt oddly disappointed. "Good morning." She repeated after I didn't answer her.

"Oh, yeah." I said ignoring her good morning as I turned on my computer to put in entries for Jihee. Lilan then walked over placing her hand on the arm of my chair looking into my screen. Her scent and body heat only making me feel heated. "What do you want?"

I've been acting kind of rude towards her today. I don't know why, but I was upset with her and she was oblivious to it.

"Well, I was wondering if you had any work for me today?" Lilan said continuing to look into my computer. "Isn't this Jihee's work?"

"Yeah." I said boringly to her continuing to show disinterest as I continued typing in entries until my screen went black. "What the hell?!"

"That's why you're always here overtime despite how hard you work." Lilan said to me after unplugging my computer. "Stop doing work for her when she hardly do shit for herself. I know she's pretty, but come on.

"That's not even why I do her work. I hardly like women." I said earning an exaggerated gasp from her.

Then a mischievous smirk appeared on her face as she leaned further against me on the chair. "Then why do you do it?"

I turned towards her her face so close to mine I could feel my face heating up. Her features are really cute especially when she's not being annoying. It was only a few seconds before she sat up sighing not even taking the time for me to answer. "You don't have to actually answer, but let her do her own work.

"Jimin, did you finish those entries."

Speak of the Devil.

"Yeah, I'm getting right on it." I said bending down to plug my computer in that was right below Lilan. My face was so close to her thighs that I wanted to put my face in it. Then I shook my head remembering she was sleeping with Hoseok and probably a loose woman, but her scent was so captivating.

"So you're speaking for Jimin now?" I heard Jihee say what seems out of the blue. I plugged my computer back up before sitting up to see Lilan staring at Jihee with her hands on her hips.

"If I don't you'll just continue working him to death. I rather you quickly get fired so I can take your position as soon as possible." Lilan chuckled at the woman. "You probably just realized a pretty face can only get you so far."

"Jimin, you don't mind doing work for me, right?" Jihee said to me her beautiful smile spreading across her face, yet it had no affect on me. It was her reputation her that did.

Lilan stepped in front of me. "Yes, he does mind." Lilan said picking up the stacks of her paper work from in my drawer. "You either do your own work or leave it here for it to not get done." Then she dropped in on my desk.

Jihee disdain could no longer be hidden then she came over grabbing the papers. "I thought you actually prefer staying at work a little longer." Jihee commented referring to me waiting longer at work so I wouldn't run into any of Namjoon's mistress.

I just looked down at my lap knowing I couldn't and wouldn't say anything. "Kick rocks, Ms. Jihee."

She huffed before leaving the office slamming the door shaking the whole office. Lilan sighed leaning forward on my desk her hands shaking. "She was scared too. Yet stood up for me." I thought to myself looking at the woman smiling back at me.

"If I get fired I'm freeloading off of you." She said to me chuckling. "Do we even have any work today?"

Jimin shook his head. "I did it all yesterday so I'll be able to finish Jihee's work."

She placed her hand on my head patting it like I was a child. "Don't let her bully you or I'll have to beat her up."

Lilan is really a sweetheart though I have a boner thinking about her sitting on me.

Word Count: 1145

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