5: Daddy

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"JIMIN." LILAN called my name as she stood in front of my desk after the trillionth time calling me by my first name and I ignored her for the trillionth time. "Jimin, can you check this. Jimin!"

Her volume only got louder as she got closer to me. "Mr. Park." I was surprised by her breath grazing over the top of my lip as she stood close to my face. My head jolt up and I accidentally bumped my head into her's. She grabbed her nose. "Ah, what the fuck Jimin!"

"You startled me." I said feeling my face heat up from her being so close to me like that.

"Jesus, I just want you to check these paper." Lilan said still holding her nose and I saw blood dripping through her fingers.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I grabbed a couple of tissues putting it up to her nostrils. Then she started laughing as I held her nose with the tissue, that's when I noticed the smell of hot sauce and saw her holding up her hands.

"You're such an idiot." I heard her terrible cackle once again before my face dropped into a frown. Then her cackle subsided seeing my face get a little angry. "Are you upset Mr. Park?"

Walking closer to her I saw her face turn a little frightened as I stepped closer to her. "Don't horseplay while working."

Lilan pouted as she looked up at me with me only standing a few inches away from her. "I'm sorry, Daddy."

I put my finger under her chin lifting it up to my face. Then I put my hand on her jaw. "Is that understood, Kitten?"

I felt her body tense when I said that and her face felt hotter. There was a silent moment of us just staring at each other before she nodded her head. "Good girl. You're dismissed."

Turning around I put my hands into my pockets walking back to my desk sitting down facing away from her. It wasn't until I heard the door open and close before I exhaled letting my head falling down into my forearms onto the desk groaning. I can't believe I did that. I wanted to tease her not scare her where the hell did that dominant side even came from?

Getting up I quickly walked out my office to just see her walking out the door. I ran outside the cold air piercing the thin fabric of my shirt to my skin. "Lilan, I'm so sorry."

She paused in her step before looking back at me with her arms wrapped around her waist. "No, I'm sorry for playing so much. Besides, I thought that was pretty kinky."

My eyes widened a bit before she waved at me walking towards the bus stop. She's even more weird than I thought and confusing. "This woman is really strange."

Word Count: 481

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