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I woke up in my own bed this morning not feeling guilty for sleeping with someone else. I wonder if this how Namjoon feel. Enjoying another person's body without the feeling of guilt weighing down on them. What he won't know won't hurt him anyways.

It actually felt exhilarating doing something that I'm not suppose to. The feeling of making love to someone who doesn't belong to me. Sinning feels so good. Being with Lilan feels so good.

My phone rung on the nightstand and I reached over picking it up.

"Is Hoseok home?" I said to hearing her quiet chuckle on the other side.

"Of course not or I wouldn't be calling you." Lilan mumbled into the other line. "Is Namjoon home?"

"He's never home." I said sitting up in my bed looking at myself in the mirror.

"So your place or mine?" She said to me.

"Does it even matter? As long as your moaning my name?" I asked her.

"I guess the fuck not."


The End. For real this time.

A/N: By the way I do not condone in cheating like at all.

And did y'all think this is how it should of ended? Or should he had just stayed with Namjoon or left him for Lilan?

And should I make a part 2? Because I feel like it yet I don't?

LIE //AMBW//Where stories live. Discover now