7: Tension

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I HEARD the door of my office creak open, not having to look up I could tell it was Lilan walking through. The familiar scent of cocoa butter only belonged to her.

"You have anything for me to do?" She said to me like nothing happened the other day or it was completely normal. I don't know why, but it bothered me that she pretending like she didn't do what she did. Coming on to me like that I should of reported her. Though I wanted to ask her about it, which I should of while I was at her house but I left quickly, I was too afraid to. "If you don't have work can you at least check my papers from yesterday?"

"Y-yeah." I stuttered feeling a bit intimidated by her as she walked over handing me her papers. After she gave them to me I was expecting her to leave, but she only continued to stand there making me more and more nervous. "What?"

"Are you feeling okay? You haven't even started on any of your work." She said noticing the piles of unfinished work still on my desk though I've been here for hours now.

"Of course I'm not okay." I thought after she practically threw herself on me yesterday, but I just nodded my head anyways. "I'm just a bit tired."

"Maybe you should go to bed a bit earlier than you usually do." Lilan said to me grabbing some of the unfinished paperwork off of my desk before walking over to the couch and lying them on the centertable. "I'll help you out. By the way if you're still bothered about Saturday don't worry it won't happen again."

"No, I'm not bothered. I just... I just wanted to know what that was about?" I said hearing my voice grow quieter and quieter as if I'm afraid of anyone else hearing.

A small sighed came from her mouth as she continued looking down at the paperwork. "It was nothing more than what I told you honestly."

She looked up at me with a glint of hunger ,that was not for food, present in her ear. My heart started beating rapidly against my ribcage as I bit the bottom of my lip nervously then she smiled at me innocently. "But you're not attracted to me, right?"

I tried to say yeah, but it came out shaky and extremely quiet that she couldn't hear it. It only amused the younger woman as she chuckled before she looked down at the paper.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I thought to myself feeling myself get sweaty thinking about her having this crush on me. Like how old is she? I shook my head trying to concentrate on correcting errors on her paper. "I will not drop down to Namjoon's cheating ass level."

Ever since she clarified what she wanted the sexual tension only raised in my office. The door closed and probably locked with only me and Lilan in here.  And I was resisting it to stay loyal to a cheater though that would make me a cheater if I didn't.

I can't take this. I stood up before looking over at Lilan. "Lilan, I'm taking a break." I said before opening my door glad to get out of there before walking to the break room.

My breathing was so shallow I sure I was going to faint at any moment as I filled a plastic cup up with water. I gulped down a few sips trying to calm myself. All the frustration I felt started to really bother me since someone offered themselves to me. It was all the pent up stress of work and my failing relationship and I'm honestly ready to bust it all over her thick, brown lips.

"What am I thinking right now?" I placed my palms over my face, but I couldn't help it though I didn't want to admit. I felt the slight pulsating in my crotch before the door creaked open startling me. Behind it was a concerned Lilan walking it not closing the door behind her. Thank goodness.

"Jimin, if what I did yesterday's really bothering you please tell me." Lilan said genuinely seeming concerned. "I can just train under Jihee again—"

"It's not that, Lilan." I said not even looking at her knowing a tent may appear if I do. "Please, don't misunderstand I'm just feeling extremely bad today."

I accidentally looked up to see Lilan nodding her head in her figure hugging clothing that revealed every shape on her body. "I understand." Lilan said to me. "Just take it easy."

Then she walked out leaving me standing there sweaty and unsatisfied. I placed my hand over my face feeling ashamed about having these thoughts while I'm with someone else...who doesn't even think twice about cheating on me yet, at all about thinking dirty thoughts about someone else. Why should I feel bad, I'm not actually touching her? Thinking about it is okay, right?"

"Jimin, I need you to—-Oh?!" Jihee said as I looked at her I saw her eyes wander down to my crotch before smirked with her eyebrows raised. "You're bigger than I thought."

She walked out and I didn't even have to look down to know I had a boner.  My face heated up once again from embarrassment as I quickly covered it with my hands before quickly walking back to my office. Lilan was still working hard on my work. "I wondered if Lilan saw?" I thought to myself and when I thought about it I did keep seeing her looking down. "She wasn't sorry at all. Was she?"

Word Count: 949

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