11: Desires

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IT WAS another usual morning at work, though I nearly didn't make it to work. My alarm went off late, traffic was unusual heavy, my car got a flat tire. Maybe God didn't want me to come to work today or something?

"Jimin." Lilan came in slamming her palms down on my desk not really startling me, but I was nervous about that serious look on her face. She was going to ask me something I was afraid to answer. "Why is it that your boyfriend can have another girlfriend, but you can't?"

I sighed knowing she was just playing dumb. "Just don't worry about it okay."

"No, you don't deserve someone who cheats on you." Lilan said to me and I just stared at her with an annoyed look on my face then rolled my eyes.

"Then who do I deserve? Someone like you, the women who keep throwing herself at me despite knowing I have a boyfriend?" I said to her then her frown turned into a smile like she was amused at me slightly telling her off.

"Wow, you think so lowly of me because of what I said?" Lilan said looking at him. "Listen, cut the crap Jimin. I know you're attracted to me."

"I'm not."

"And if you just break up with that Namjoon and give me a chance—-"

"I won't."

"I can change your whole life. And I'm not talking about just sexually." Lilan said looking wistfully at me. "I genuinely like you and would never cheat on you."

"How can I believe that from a woman who said she didn't care that I have a boyfriend and cheating on her's right now." I said to her then her face looked confused as she looked at me.

"Cheating? Me? On who? I'm not with anybody." Lilan said to me laughing.

Of course.

"So you're not with Hoseok?" I said to her with an eyebrow raised.

"Did it seem that way? I mean we're sleeping with each other, but nothing more." She said so casually like it normal. Why would I want to be with a woman who's been around like that?

"If me sleeping with other people is a problem then why isn't it for your boyfriend?" Lilan said to me glaring at me through her fingers as she leaned against it. "I'm pretty sure he slept with more men than me."

"It is a problem with him! I do have a problem!" I yelled at her a glint of fear in her eyes. I didn't mean to scare her, but I didn't need to be confronted by someone who hardly knows me.

"Then confront him about it, Jimin." Lilan said to me putting her hands under my chin bringing her lips closer to mine. "Or I might will."

"Lilan please stay out of my business." I said to her as she started walking towards the door.

"Being with you is my only business right now Jimin. And your boyfriend is in my way." Lilan said before walking out the door with a chuckle.

"Shit." I said slamming my fist on the desk as I laid my head straight down. "I don't need this right now."If she actually speak to Namjoon I probably will be the only one accused.

I then got up walking out of my office past the row of cubicles, that I hardly supervise like I'm suppose to, to Lilan's cubicle. She was just sitting there playing Solitaire on her computer having asked me for no work.

I turned her swivel chair around slamming my hand against the arms of it with an angry look on my face before I placed my lips on her's. She was really caught by surprised but ended up deepening it as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I could feel her legs slowly wrapping around my waist as we stared making out.

Her lips were so soft and tasted like she had on strawberry chapstick. Her soft skin made my hand want to explore more of her body. I then pulled away to clarify what I was actually doing. "Keep your mouth close about everything and I'll give myself to you. Everyday if you want." I whispered to her so no one else would hear.

The wistful look in her eyes then turned into slight annoyance and anger as she pushed me off of her. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as she straightened up her clothing sitting back in her swivel chair facing her computer again with her cheek in her palm. "I don't need sex from you."

I thought that what she wanted. "I thought you said you wanted me."

"I do, but not because you feel you don't have a choice. I won't confront Namjoon if you want to keep him that bad." Lilan said to me in a calm, but angry tone.

I then realized that I probably really hurt her feelings. "Lilan I'm sorry."

"No, you're right I shouldn't be in your business. I'm sorry." Lilan said not even looking at me. "You should get back to your office. You have a lot of work to do."

"Yeah, I should." I said quietly before walking out of her cubicle back into my office. A chuckled escaped my lips because I couldn't believe I used that weak ass excuse to justify the desire to touch her. Yes, I don't want her to confront Namjoon, but I probably would of thought of another way if I could.

As soon as I opened my room door I saw Jihee standing up in it. "I didn't know you had that kind of relationship with my trainee."

Word Count: 944

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