4: Coffee

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NOT WANTING to encounter Namjoon I left a bit earlier in the morning. I felt a bit more unusually drained so I decided to go to the coffee shop before work.

A coffee shop I frequently pass on my way to work. It always a bit crowded with elderly people and other people who work around this time. When I walked it the smell of coffee engulfed my body. It's been a while since I had coffee, since I stopped because it stained my teeth and made me gain weight.

"How may I help you, sir?" A cute guy behind the counter said to me. His lips spread widely across his face as he leaned against the counter. I could see the pupils in his eyes dilate as he stared at me biting his lips, maybe he's a little attracted to me.

"I just want a cup of coffee. Black." I told him hoping the bitterness would wake me up instead of the sugar.

He nodded his head before going to the coffee machine to make one. His ass looks really great. I shook my head not wanting my eyes to wander like my cheating as boyfriend. I'll never drop to his level.

"You having such boring taste." I heard the voice of the woman I didn't want to hear until I got into my office and sat at my desk. When I turned to the Lilan she had on a large grey overcoat that covered her body almost to her feet. She had a thick scarf wrapped around her neck and earmuffs like the temperature was that low. Everyone stared at her like she was an alien from out of space as she talked to me. "I'll have a hot chocolate with marshmallows please."

The barista looked at her doing a double take when he saw her. "Sure, here's your black coffee."

"Thanks." I said to him our hands slightly grazing over each other as I got it then I looked back at Lilan. "And what are you a child? Hot chocolate with marshmallows."

I heard the hot barista chuckling at my insult as Lilan scoffed at him for laughing. His bright smile brightened up the atmosphere a bit between me and Lilan who also seemed captivated by it her frown easing up a bit. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine. Your laugh's pretty cute so I'll let that slide. Once." Lilan said to him with a flirtatious smirk on her face. I gawked at her straightforwardness before she pushed a mug in front of her.

"Thanks." He said to her rubbing his hands on the back of her hands before letting go of the cup. "Let's say this is on the house. For both of you."

"No, I'll pay." I said pulling out my wallet not wanting to owe anyone for anything. Lilan hit me on the shoulder.

"If he says it's on the house it's on the house." Lilan said to me.

"Let's say whenever you two come over everything's on the house. Ask for Hoseok, okay?" He said looking at both of us up and down like a piece of meat. Then he turned his attention to another customer before I walked out with Lilan. "That Hoseok guy really wanted to pipe."

"Who? You?" I asked looking down at the girl sipping out of the mug that she wasn't suppose to take.

"No, you. You saw how he was staring at you? He was looking at your ass when you walked out." Lilan said walking towards my car. "So you're going to let him?"

"It looks like he'll put his pipe in anything." I told her also noticing him looking at her a certain way that she probably didn't notice.

"Does it matter?" Lilan said shrugging her shoulders as he sat in the passenger's seat.

"You're a very open-minded woman." I chuckled looking at the woman fastening her seatbelt. "And why are you in my car?"

"Sometimes and because we're going to the same place. Don't be mean." The woman said and I just sighed cranking up the car just accepting my fate with this woman.

Word Count: 690

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