Chapter 1

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Hi there, my name's Sapphire. I'm fourteen years old and have been born in a human world. Although, I don't quite fit in with the others since I've got a secret, I can run faster than the speed of sound. I don't know anyone else that can match my speeds - or at least, I've not met anyone that can yet.

Anyway, it's a regular Monday afternoon in September and my mother calls me downstairs. Knowing what for, I go to her. She spends her time throwing insults at me. The reasons why, I'm a hedgehog-human hybrid and don't have any romantic interest in my native human race. I see them as friends, family or strangers in all due respect.

"Why did you turn out this way?!" Mother asks, irritated

"I don't know, why are you so bothered?" I ask

The same argument, just a different day, let alone week... Then, my father comes in, hearing the argument.

"Are you arguing about the same thing as before?" Father asks

"Yep, same as last time father." I answer

Looking around and realising that everywhere is locked, I decide on going to my bedroom, for mother to stop me in my tracks.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Mother forcefully asks

"Upstairs, geez. I can't do anything when you're around. You're always keeping me away from school and my friends. It hurts." I respond

"You're not going back to that school. You're alien and that school doesn't have room for aliens like you."

"Now, hold on. Keeping Geraldine out of school is one thing, isolating her is a step too far." Father says, stepping in

By the way, I've been named Geraldine by my parents. I know, an awful name. But I just roll with it.

I soon go to my bedroom and spend my time there; in my mother's house of doom. I hate her, but love her at the same time. My only question is, why is she like this? Soon, my father calls and I go downstairs.

"What's needed father?" I ask

"I'm letting you go, for good. You need freedom and you're not getting that here." Father informs

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, 100%. Now, go, be free and find yourself."

"Thanks, father."

"It's all good."

In happiness, I leave my house and race outside the city - to reach a pathway.

'Where does this go?' I thought to myself

I follow the pathway to find a new world, with animal inhabitants, walking on two legs. There are three hedgehogs, a two-tailed fox and an... echidna I think... Looking around, I love the new surroundings, but start feeling weird. After a few seconds, I pass out and hear a voice.

"Hey, there's someone over there." The voice informs

I hear two sets of footsteps - one more light-footed than the other.

"What's a human doing here?" Another voice asks

"I don't know, but we need to get her out of sight."

As my hearing starts to deactivate, I fall fully unconscious - unaware of what happened after that. A few hours pass and I wake up, surrounded by different things and a red-and-black colour scheme. I sit up and looking around, to see one of the hedgehogs near the entrance, seeming like they're questioning whether to leave or stay.

"Hey, where am I?" I ask as the hedgehog turns to face me

"You're in a different world, still in close proximity to your home." The hedgehog answers

'He's got a deep voice, who is this hedgehog?' I think to myself

"What are you doing here?"

"I've been let out by my father. What is this place?"

"You're in my house, I carried you here."

"And you are...?"

"I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, who are you?"

"The name's... Geraldine." I say my name through gritted teeth

"Do you like your name?"

"No way, I'd rather have a different name."

"Hmmh, alright."

Shadow leaves as I sit alone, thinking of ways to get to know him; not that it'll get very far, he's shrouded in mystery. I soon have an idea of an activity and follow Shadow outside.

"How about a race? One-on-one, you and me."

"You're joking, you'll lose!"

"Don't judge me by the cover. Let's race!"

From what I can gather, Shadow is confident of a victory against me. But, he doesn't know my secret. Shadow draws a line in the sand and we quickly begin racing. Mid-race and we're both neck and neck as Shadow turns his head to see me and slows down, in amazement. I'm soon some paces ahead of Shadow as he attempts to catch up. End of the race and I've won against someone that matches my speed.

"Well, what d'you know?" I ask

"You're fast, really fast." Shadow responds

"What made you slow down?"

"You matched my speed. How did you do that?"

"I was born like it. So much family history, it's long winded and boring to explain."

"So, that means..."

"Yes, before you ask I'm a hybrid. Part human, part hedgehog - from the father's side."

"Is this generational?"

"Skips every ten generations."

There's soon a quick, but short silence before Shadow and I begin talking again.

"I'm gonna go now, I'll see you Shadow."

"Wait, Geraldine."

"Is something needed, my friend?"

"We're friends?"

"I don't see why not. You needed something, right?"

"It's nothing, I was just thinking of a different name for you when you're here."

"Really? Do tell."

"I was thinking Sapphire, since your eyes are blue and pure."

"Do you mean that or are you tryna say something?"

"Both, but I'd rather not say."

"Fair enough. I'll see you later, Shadow."

Shadow does his nod as I walk around the new world and bump into a blue hedgehog.

"Hey, there. Who are you?" The blue hedgehog greets, asking

"I'm Geraldine, or here, Sapphire. You are...?" I respond and ask

"The name's Sonic. Wait, are you the one that Shadow saved?"

"Yeah, before my hearing went, I heard a lighter, more child-like voice."

"That's Tails, a friend of mine."

As for me, I've missed what was said and don't know who's Shadow's assistant was; although, he does deserve a thanks at least. I go back to where Shadow's house is and go to the waters, I don't realise that Shadow is close by.

"It feels weird, I feel more settled than when I first arrived. It sounds worse than it is..." I say to myself

"Most likely, because you fit in better here than you did in the city." Shadow responds

I turn my head to notice Shadow near his house's entrance.

"What're you doing here?"

"I've been here for a while. I didn't expect to see you there."

"I didn't expect to hear you behind me."

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