Chapter 5

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Looking at the figure, I quickly recognise it from a dream I once had, also remembering its past weaknesses. Soon, my bracelet glitters and I see a holographic picture of Shadow.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask

"It's your enemy, it has different weaknesses to before." Shadow answers

"Wait, so the former weaknesses will be its strengths."

"Exactly. You need to find the midpoint of both weaknesses to find the new ones."

"Alright, thanks."

"You're welcome and good luck."

The communications are soon cut and I quickly realise the task ahead of me.

'Right, so its weaknesses were light and knowing what'll happen next. So, the midpoints...' I think to myself

The first weakness is quickly found, subtlety. Now to figure out how to get the second weakness, of which is an umbra.

'Surely, that's lighting related.'

"Geraldine! Click your fingers!" My father shouts

I click my fingers for a piece of paper that reads: The mind of this beast is a stubborn, but fragile kind. Use these words to activate its defeating umbra: Light and dark have come together, do the bidding and destroy thou. Remember to look this monster in the eyes when saying this chant.

'Well, I didn't think it had eyes.'

Soon, the figure looks me in the eyes and I take my opportunity.

"Three... two... one... Light and dark have come together, do the bidding and destroy thou."

I say the chant as the figure is defeated, in all due time.

"Geraldine, you need to get home." My father says

I was already speeding home before he said his words. I arrive back and return back to my new self. Night has fallen and Shadow meets me near the pathway.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask

"I'm all good, thanks. Yourself?" Shadow answers

"I'm fine... what are you looking at?"

Shadow soon makes a gesture, as to say 'feel your head'. I feel my head to notice two differences; where my ears are and instead of hair, I have quills that take its place. I breathe, to compose myself.

"I think it's time we turned in." Shadow advises, holding out his hand

I take Shadow's hand as he pulls me closer. I soon have a feeling that someone is watching us and I blush as Shadow and I go home. Unaware of behind me, someone is watching us, considering that I don't know the individual, I don't look.

Morning comes and Shadow is the first to awaken as I'm asleep. Some time later, I awaken to notice an empty space next to me. Curious, I go outside to notice Shadow storming away from the others.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask

"Someone was watching us last night. The perpetrator's name was said." Shadow answers, agitated

"Who was it?"

"You see that pink hedgehog? That's Amy and she's the one that's been watching us last night."

"Let me take care of this. That hedgehog will get my mind in a fist form!"

I soon storm towards Amy, furious. I soon sense Shadow trying to keep up, to no avail

"Sapphire, wait! Think about this. This isn’t you!" Shadow warns, as I'm not listening

"Hey, you!" I shout as I storm towards her

I soon pin Amy to the ground, in anger.

"I knew someone was watching us last night. Knowing it was you was one thing. Now listen here, keep your nose and ears out of other people's business. Otherwise, you'll have me to deal with!" I say

I quickly snap out of my anger and realise that I was completely out of character, unaware that Amy had gotten angry. Amy and I are soon looking each other in the eyes, angry at each other. Realising where this is gonna lead, Sonic and Shadow ready themselves as I start fighting with Amy. I soon feel Shadow trying to pull me away from Amy and see Sonic pulling Amy away from me.

Soon, a purple cat comes towards us...

"Right, ladies that's enough. Go your separate ways this instant!" The purple cat instructs

Amy and I separate and go to our separate homes. I arrive at Shadow's home and begin trashing the place, screaming in anger. A short length of time passes and Shadow returns home, to see a force field around me.

"Hey, what's going on?" Shadow asks

"I would say, if this thing wasn't stinging me each time I tried to lower it." I answer, irritated and in pain

"Click your fingers." A voice says in my mind

I click my fingers for a piece of paper. I recite the words and the force field comes down, completely. Shadow approaches me, concerned.

"Now tell me, what's going on?" Shadow asks

"I feel upset and angry at Amy. I had no idea that she was the one watching us." I admit bowing my head in shame

Shadow soon takes my hand, comforting my frayed nerves.

"You don't need to be ashamed. This isn't your fault."

"All I'm hoping, is that I've not lowered my chances of making a new friend."

"Who with?"

"They're a two-tailed fox. Their physical attributes are all I can remember."

"Hold on, I'll be right back."

Shadow speeds off the find the individual I've described, leaving me confused. Shadow soon returns, with the two-tailed fox.

"I'm back, with the one you described." Shadow informs

"Who is that?" I ask

"You were talking about a two-tailed fox, and that's me. My name's Tails." Tails answers

"But, you didn't have to find Tails, Shadow."

"You were worried about him never being your friend." Shadow says

"Besides, I saw everything unfold. Plus, why wouldn't I want to be your friend?" Tails informs and asks

"Wait, after all that you still wanna be friends?"

"Sure. I mean, you've warmed up to Shadow; none of the rest of us have managed that. Also, you're brilliant to be around."

I quickly become overwhelmed and leave for a more remote area. I hear Shadow and Tails talking.

"Is Sapphire alright? She seemed overwhelmed." Tails asks and points out

"You do make a point and I don't know." Shadow answers

I'm at a more remote area as I get a terrible headache, like something's being forced into my brain. I soon sense that Shadow has the same headache. Soon, the headache stops and I go back to Shadow's home. Tails has left by this point.

"What's going on?" Shadow asks, clearly unimpressed

"I don't know. All I know, is that what was forced into our brains are spells of some sort." I answer

"Why would we both need them?"

"All I can say is, your guess is as good as mine."

Shadow and I are quickly in silence, unaware of what the future will bring.

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