Chapter 8

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Two days pass and night falls. I go to Shadow's house and notice him asleep. I sit down next to him and lie down as he begins to stir. Soon after, Shadow awakens and notices me wide awake.

"Sapphire, are you alright?" Shadow asks

"Just can't get to sleep, that's all." I answer

"Is there something bothering you?"

"I'll tell you in the morning. Just go back to sleep."

"Okay, goodnight."

"Goodnight, Shadow."

Shadow quickly goes back to sleep as I'm lying down, unable to sleep. Morning comes and I'm still wide awake, as Shadow awakens and notices me.

"Good morning, babe. Now, you said that you wanted to talk."

I soon sit up, tired but willing to talk.

"I'm grieving over my mother. I know that the aim was to save the city and put a stop to the abuse. But the emotions are awful."

"Are you guilty for what had to be done?"

"Yep, I'm guilty. But the guilt feels worse."

"Turn to me, you need to let this out."

I turn to Shadow and my body language changes, as I start shifting. Shadow notices.

"You look uneasy. Is there something else?"

"I remember the times from when I was small, when my mother was somewhat nice to me."

"But, she was evil about who you are. That wasn't found out until high school."

"I know, before I left, my parents had been considering divorce and it got tense after I left."

I quickly try backing away, as Shadow brings me into a hug, soothing my frayed nerves. He soon lets go.

"You need your rest. I'm gonna leave you be."

"Thanks, Shadow. For both the chat and leaving me to solitude."

"It's all good. Sleep well."

"Thanks, Shadow. Bye for now."

Shadow leaves as I go to sleep. A couple of hours pass and I awaken, to see Shadow near the entrance.

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask, half-awake

"Yeah, I'm good." Shadow answers

"Okay, I'm gonna go out and practice magic. Bye for now."

I leave and go to a remote area of the homeland and practice a healing spell.

"Powers, with mystery and the unknown, heal the ailment from the sufferer's veins." I recite

I succeed, casting the spell on a dying plant. However, whether it works on a living individual is anyone's guess. After a while I decide to go home, for Shadow to return shortly after, seemingly scared.

"Hey, are you alright babe?" I greet

"Yeah, I'm fine. Follow me." Shadow instructs, nervously

In silence and confused, I follow the given instruction, to notice that the meeting area looks different. I soon see Sonic and Amy as I get more confused.

"What's going on, Shadow?" I ask, confused

"I went to Sonic and Amy for relationship advice and Amy had one of her 'ideas'." Shadow answers, with his ears lowered

I look at the meeting area again and it clicks, a battle?!

"What? I'm not doing this, I don't wanna hurt you."

"I said this, but Amy was stubborn."

I sigh, giving in and getting into the instructed place. Amy stands as she's about to speak.

"Right, we've not got all day, so let's get this over with. Three... Two... One... Go!" Amy announces and instructs

I notice Shadow in front of me, nervous and about to attack. Shadow shoots an attack at me and I deflect it with a shield. A few hours pass, I shoot an attack, Shadow takes a wrong turn and gets hit, falling unconscious. I run to him, worried.

'What have I done?' I think to myself

I recite the healing spell, making Shadow turn around and awaken. I look to Amy and Sonic, with a desire for some serious answers. I help Shadow to his feet and take him home, for Amy and Sonic to follow. We all arrive.

"Now, can someone please tell me what happened?" I ask, unimpressed

Amy and Sonic are quickly shouting answers, with the same recurring theme, an idea that wasn't properly thought through. I soon brush my spines back.

"Alright, stop! Shadow got hurt, and I'm not impressed about it. All I'm after is an apology from whoever's responsible for this mess."

The house is quickly silent.

"Alright, both of you, leave this house now. Until I get an apology from who's responsible, you both stay away from here. Got that?"

Amy and Sonic are silent as they leave for home. I go to Shadow and notice him with a defeated demeanor.

"Are you alright babe?" I ask, putting a hand on his shoulder

"All I wanted to do was show you how much you mean to me. Then, this happens. I'm sorry, Sapphire..." Shadow answers, lowering his ears

I soon nuzzle the fur on Shadow's forehead, receiving a purr.

"You don't need to apologise for something that's not your fault. Plus, you don't need to show me that, you being yourself is all that's needed. Plus, it didn't have to come to a battle."

As I finish talking, I stroke Shadow's quills, calming his mind. After a while, we both turn in for the night.

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