Chapter 6

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Two months pass and the atmosphere has mysteriously changed. I start struggling to breathe as Shadow gets up and notices.

"Are you alright?" Shadow asks

"Can't breathe... It's suffocating..." I answer, losing my breath

Soon, I hear Shadow's gauntlet moving around and vibrating. I tap my index finger and thumb together and Shadow notices.

"What's up?"

I soon point to his gauntlet, as he gets it and responds to the call.

"Hello, what's the issue?" Shadow greets and asks

"Hello, there. I couldn't get through to Sapphire, or she wouldn't answer. I'm her father." My father answers

"I've worked that out. What's needed?"

"It won't be long before you lose your breath. So, I need to talk to my daughter."

I hear this and make a breathing aid appear for myself, as the call transfers to my bracelet.

"Father, I can speak again. What's the problem?" I inform and ask

"It's people in the city... they're losing air and dying... Also..."

My father quickly loses his breath as I'm soon stuck as to what's next.

"What now?"

My father soon signals to click my fingers, I follow the instruction to receive a piece of paper. It reads: Your breathing is shallow; the haze is invisible. Use these words, with your other half, to breathe the air needed: The air's poison, go with the wind; powers combine to breathe in clean. I soon notice more text: Warning: The enemy you are to face can reverse this with one attack. Don't get hit by the enemy's attacks!

The communications are soon cut as Shadow struggles with his breathing.

"Shadow, are you alright?"

"Can't breathe..."

"I've got another piece of paper. Hate to say it, but it's more magic."

"Just... Great..."

"Just trust me, we've gotta say it together."

Shadow and I recite the words and begin breathing correctly. We both race outside, to notice an eerie silence.

"We need to save them. Let's move." Shadow instructs

"Wait, we don't even know who we're facing." I inform

"We'll find out when we get there. You need your human form, now!"

I race to the cave, transform and contact Shadow.

"Hey, what's the issue?"

"You need a weapon, get your... whatever you have."

Communications are quickly cut and I race to Shadow's home. Without further discussion, we both race to the city, to notice a noxious, hazy mist in the air. It soon occurs to me, this was made using magic. I ready my attacks and race forward, to be confronted by an enemy and I attack, to be pinned to the ground.

"Get off!" I shout, as Shadow shoots the monster and helps me to my feet

"Let's move it, people are dying." Shadow informs

We both race ahead, fighting more monsters as we're quickly surrounded. I soon conjure up a poisonous ground as Shadow tries to race towards them.

"Stop! If you stand there, you're dead instantly." I warn

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