Bonus: A message from the cast

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Sonic, Amy, Shadow, Tails & Sapphire: Hey you guys! It's great to see you all.

Knuckles: Wait, what're we doing here?

Shadow: We've got something to say to our readers, Knucklehead.

Amy: Alright you two, we don't want a fight.

Sonic: This pink beauty is right. Anyway, back to the main point.

Blaze: *facepalms* Not this again. We've already had Sapphire and Ames fighting.

Sapphire: Now the message... guys, pay attention!

*Tails turns his head away, blushing as the chatter increases*

Sapphire: *thinks* This is gonna take a while

Amy: Now the main point, we're here on behalf of the author who wants to say a massive thank you to the support you're all giving. Guys, stop your noise and say your parts! *gets pissed off*

*Shadow notices Amy speaking*

Shadow: Plus, my girlfriend, Sapphire has a special surprise for you all, alongside Amy. No spoilers!

Sonic: Oh C'mon Shads, don't be boring.

Shadow: Don't call me Shads, faker.

Sonic: That's only half of what I've got in store for you. *gives Shadow a flirtatious wink*

*Shadow then blushes and heads for Sonic's neck*

Shadow: Not until after I make you scream my name in pleasure.

Sapphire and Amy: Wait for us, hot hedgies! *both blow kisses*

Blaze: Alright, this turned very raunchy, very quickly. So, let's make this short and sweet. Tails, Knuckles. Your turn.

Tails & Knuckles: Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for another bonus after three more chapters!

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