Chapter 11

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Ten days pass and Halloween's here. I'm feeling pretty nervous, considering that everyone is dressed up and ready for our night on the town. I'm in the clothes chamber, looking for an outfit and get stuck for ideas. I then decide to wear my favourite outfit, that has the leather jacket. I go out and notice everyone waiting for me, with Knuckles getting impatient about meeting Harriot again.

By the way, Harriot is my ex-girlfriend-now-friend.

"Hey, guys. Who's ready for a city night out?" I ask as Sonic, Shadow and Amy turn to me

"We're ready, I don't know about these three though." Blaze responds

"Hey, hedgies. Are we gonna move or what?" Knuckles asks, getting impatient

"Knucks, a word."

I pull Knuckles aside.

"Knucks, I understand that you're into Harriot. But, I don't want the others asking questions about it. So, keep a low profile." I inform

"Alright, you two. Let's move before Sonic loses his cool." Blaze instructs

"Hold on a moment, Sapphire." A voice says

I turn, to notice Felicity's spirit hovering above*.

"Felicity, what're you doing here?" I ask, shocked

"I've come to see how my best friend is doing. Also, I've noticed that you've made new friends." Felicity's spirit responds

"And a new boyfriend. Hi, I'm Shadow the Hedgehog." Shadow greets

"Hey, there. Yes, Shadow I know you from when you and Sapphire saved the city. You're lucky to have Sapphire as your girlfriend, she's a saint and very loyal. Anyway, Sapphire there's something you should know about Harriot."

"What is it?" Sapphire asks

"Harriot must stay away from evil magic. Ever since having her magic permanently deactivated, she's become weak against evil magic."

"What does it mean if she's near it?"

"It could mean instant death, so it's imperative that she's kept away from it."

"Got it. Anything else?"

"No, that's it. I'll leave you and your friends to enjoy your night out."

Felicity's spirit soon disappears into the distance and I prepare to leave with everyone else. After around five minutes, we all head to the city and see Harriot standing next to a stall, seemingly bored.

"Hey, Harriot. How's it going?" I greet

"Hey, Sapphire it's pretty boring, to be honest. The person who's meant to be manning the stall I'm at is taking ages to turn up. Oh, is that Knucks over there?" Harriot responds

Soon, everyone puts Knuckles into view and this makes him nervous, from what I can gather.

"Oh, hey Harriot. Erm... how are you?" Knuckles asks, blushing

"I'm all good, Knuckles. Come with me, I've got something to show you."

Knuckles soon looks to me, as if seeking approval.

"Go with her, Knucks. She's your friend as much as she's my own." I approve

Harriot soon takes Knuckles' hand and pulls him further into the carnival. I quickly notice Shadow coming to me with a rose and uses his magic to craft a headpiece, putting silver and gold plating on the petals. I'm looking in awe.

"Where did you learn this?" I ask, enamoured

"Maybe, from one or two of your spell books. Your beauty deserves an accent, since you stand out so well. Put it on, it'll suit you well." Shadow responds

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