Chapter 2

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After the brief discussion, I'm facing Shadow as he's approaching me. Tense and anxious, I begin standing firm; as if to defend myself. Shadow is soon close to me and I become more anxious.

"Are you alright?" Shadow asks

"Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing wrong here." I answer

"Really? You're in defence mode."

I quickly silence myself and walk away - for Shadow to take hold of me.

"What're you doing?" I ask, becoming more tense

"You need calming down." Shadow answers

"Right, I can do that alone. Can I please be left alone?"

Shadow lets go and I back away, still in defence mode. I decide to walk away before my friend gets hurt. Four months later, after points of conversation and seeing the others occasionally, I'm closer to Shadow as his friend. However, I quickly work out that he's nervous and hiding something.

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask, concerned

"I'm all good, why?" Shadow responds

"You look really nervous, Shadow. You're also not being yourself."

Shadow quickly silences himself, seeming like he's more scared to say what he wants to. I soon decide to leave Shadow alone and look for Sonic, to no avail. I soon return back to where Shadow lives, to notice him in the same place as before and approach him.

"You do know you can tell me anything; you don't need to hide."

"Alright, I'm still not used to talking to you and I've also..."

"Take your time, Shadow."

Shadow quickly silences himself and begins to blush. It quickly occurs to me.

"Do you have a crush on me?"

"How did you...?"

"The blushing, attempting to hide away, not being your normal, truthful self. Pretty obvious, if you ask me."

Shadow goes back to his house as I watch him, feeling sympathetic. Unknown to Shadow, I've been feeling the same about him. His quills, his introversion, his voice. But, I've been liking someone else too; I don't know her name, though. She's a pink hedgehog, and looked amazing when I first saw her. My main, quite big secret that I keep is my bisexuality, the one thing I've always been afraid to admit.

'Now I've gotta choose between the two hedgehogs. Oh, no...' I think to myself, worried

After some time, I weigh things up. From what I know about them to how long I've known them. It quickly clicks that Shadow is the one I like most. More time passes, night falls and I decide to turn in for the night.

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