Chapter 9

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Morning comes and I'm out, looking for Amy. I find her, talking to Sonic and from what I can gather, the conversation is pretty heated. I lower my ears and go to my house in the city.

I enter my house and see my father and Felicity sitting in a tense, awkward silence.

"Is everything alright?" I ask

"Being the Princess of Light is tough, especially when you've got to keep the light and dark balance stable." Felicity answers

"Oh my, so that amount of pressure is on you daily?"

"Yes, and it's exhausting. It's also quite irritating."

"How often do you have to check this?"

"Twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. The times I've gotta do this are fixed, too."

"Those times are...?"

"5am and 11pm."

"Do you get any sleep?"

"If I'm lucky, yes I do. Most other times, I don't sleep at all. If I could, I'd have a day off. But, given how fragile this city is, that's almost impossible."

"Is there someone who can take your place?"

"The closest to family I have left is your father. But, because of his age, he can't take my place for any length of time."

"How old do you need to be?"

"At least eleven and twenty at the oldest. And, you're not allowed to be immortal, either genetically or magically. I know, strict but it's worse if you're a Guardian of Light."

"Is there an age restriction for them as well?"

"No, but if the Guardian or Guardians are immortal, they mustn't be acquainted with the Princess in any way."

"But, we've been friends since we were small."

"That's where the exception comes into play. If the Guardian or Guardians have been acquainted with the Princess for at least five years, they're allowed to stay that way."

"What if the Guardian is dating another Guardian?"

"Since you and Shadow are dating and you've known me pretty much all of our lives, Shadow is allowed to be my friend, under extreme supervision by the Light Privy Council."

"Oh, my word. Who are these individuals?"

"They're based in a secret world, possibly somewhere with inhabitants. They're the ones that make the legislation that us Light Royals and Guardians must follow. If any of the law is broken, all current Royals and Guardians are immediately abdicated from their positions and replaced with new individuals."

"How long has this been around?"

"For as long as the Light Royals and Guardians have been around. They've been around for many generations."

"But, isn't this a majorly outdated system to follow?"

"From what I can gather, the laws are very difficult to change and always lead to violence. That's why it's safer to stick with the outdated system, because when the violence happens, there's always at least one fatality that occurs within it."

I quickly stop talking, not knowing what to do next. As for my father, he's been in the kitchen and made us food to eat. After my somewhat-meal, I head back to the homeland and see Amy and Sonic stood back to back, angry at each other. I approach them.

"Hey, is everything alright?" I ask, concerned

"Amy over here, has been asking how I feel about this thing called 'polyamory'." Sonic answers, seemingly confused

"Right, I know what polyamory is but, why are you confused about it?"

"The question just came out of the blue, during conversation. We then continued talking and reached the point of arguing."

"Right, Ames. Could you tell me what's going on?"

"Remember, when I teased you that night and then admitted why the next day?" Amy asks

"Yeah, where's this going?"

"I wanted to ask Sonic how he felt about polyamory and then it got awkward."

"You should've seen that coming."

"I know, but I didn't and now everything's really awkward between us both."

"I'll talk to Sonic, and see what I can do."

"I'm right next to you." Sonic responds

"Oh, right. So, do you wanna know what polyamory is, or should I leave it?"

"Tell me later, it sounds interesting."

"Aside from that, you two need to fix the current awkwardness that's surfaced. Go and talk, find an activity."

Sonic and Amy go back to their home as I go to Shadow's house, to bump into Shadow en route.

"Hey there, beautiful." Shadow greets, before kissing my cheek

"Oh, you. I'm fine, thank you. I've just been with Sonic and Amy." I respond

"Flirting, I bet."

"Not really, they'd just finished a heated conversation and I've helped fix the awkwardness. That's all."

"That's different, for Sonic and Amy."

"I know. Anyway, how are you bad boy?" I say and ask, teasing

Shadow soon blushes and looks away.

"Is someone turned on? Maybe, I should tease him more."

Shadow then kisses me, shutting me up. We soon part for air.

"By the way, I'm feeling great Sapphire the Delicious."

As Shadow says this, he winks in a flirtatious manner. I soon tap Shadow's nose, making him chuckle.

"You'll wanna calm your desire down, bad boy. At some point, you'll have more than just me to please." I say, teasing

"Who do you have in mind, beautiful?"

"Oh, you'll just have to wait and find out. It won't happen now though."

Shadow and I soon kiss and notice that night is about to fall. We both decide to turn in, oblivious to what the future holds.

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