Chapter 12

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Whilst at the carnival, I'm greeted by Scarlett. She's my work manager.

"Hey, Scarlett. What brings you here?" I ask

"About today's press release, everyone's wondering when you're coming out hiatus." Scarlett answers

"How about right now? When I need one, I'll request it."

"Yes, that's doable. There's a celebration happening at the city hall and your attendance would be appreciated."

"Can Shadow and  my friends come too?"

"Sure, follow me."

The group and I follow Scarlett to the city hall, for fans of both my relationship and Sonic gathered around and asking for autographs.

"Ready, Shadow?" I ask

"Ready if you are, babe." Shadow answers, holding my hand

I soon notice the press getting quick shots of me and Shadow. After, we get further into the hall.

"Wait, you all need attire before you enter. Tailors, take my guests to get new clothes!" I hear Scarlett instructing as Knucks, Amy, Sonic and Silver are taken to get tailored

"And us?" Shadow asks

"Don't stress, I'll sort us out."

I then click my fingers and we're both in suitable attire. We're soon admiring our outfits, holding hands as I start blushing.

"You're blushing again, beautiful." Shadow informs

"I know that, babe."

"Anyway, we've a crowd to please. So, let's get moving."

I'm quickly flattered by the support from Shadow, given how introverted he is, I hug him, as he returns it. After a while, I notice Scarlett as she gets close to me.

"Hey, Scarlett. What's up?" I ask

"There's another event happening at an idyllic countryside villa and your attendance is required." Scarlett informs

"When do we need to leave?"

"Right now, you're allowed to bring Shadow and another friend, if desired."

I soon gather Shadow and Blaze, following Scarlett to the car. After around two hours, we arrive at the villa.

"Would you care to tell us more?" Blaze asks

"A celebration is being held at the said villa. The person that's requested Sapphire's attendance is the owner's daughter, Maxine." Scarlett answers

We're soon silenced as, who seems to be, the owner's wife approaches us as we walk towards the front entrance.

"Why hello, you must be Sapphire Hawthorne. I'm Lady Bennett, I own this villa with my husband, Lord Bennett." Lady Bennett introduces

"Hello, Lady Bennett. Yes, I'm Sapphire. This is my fiancé, Shadow and my friend Blaze." I introduce

"Lovely to meet you all. Hello again, miss Walters. I talked to about the celebration and request for Sapphire's presence."

After some conversation, we're invited in and shown around the villa.

"Excuse me, what is this celebration for?" Blaze asks

"I apologise, we didn't give details about the celebration. It's a pre-wedding celebration for our daughter, Maxine Bennett. Since she's recently engaged to her girlfriend, as tradition we're hosting a celebration for it."

Without further discussion, we're taken to the hall of the celebration. I stray away from the group, admiring the hall.

"Is this where the celebration is being held?" I ask

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