Chapter 7

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The next morning comes and I'm out, on a solo walk as I see the others all gathered together. I also notice the purple cat from my fight with Amy. I go to the others, to be approached by her.

"Hi, I'm Blaze. Who are you?" Blaze greets and asks

"Hey, there. I'm Sapphire, is everything alright?" I greet and ask

Blaze is quickly observing me and my style, as I get nervous. Blaze soon steps back and blinks, as a form of approval.

"I think I'll get on with you quite well." Blaze says, as she walks away

I freeze, confused and nervous before I go to the others.

"What was that about?" I ask

"I don't know. What I do know, is that Blaze is still tense from breaking up that fight, since you were fighting with her best friend." Knuckles answers

I lower my ears, deep in remorse as I go after Blaze.

"Blaze, wait!" I shout, as Blaze stops

"Yes?" Blaze asks, as she turns to me, crossing her arms

"I'm sorry about fighting with Amy."

"I forgive you, and from what I saw last night, Amy has forgiven you."

I soon remember Amy teasing me, and blush. Come to think of it, I don't even know if Amy has forgiven me.

"I'll go to her and apologise. You can join, if you want."

"I'll stick with the others. I think Amy has gone back home."

I nod and leave to look for Amy, to find her at Shadow's place, alone.

"Hey, Amy." I greet

"Hey, Sapphire. Why're you here?" Amy greets, asking

I lower my ears again, nervous.

"I'm sorry about that fight we've had. It wasn't the ideal way to introduce."

"I forgive you, Sapphire."

"Just a question, why did you tease me last night?"

"Wasn't that obvious? I want not just Sonic, but you and Shadow too."

"Isn't that a crazy idea, though?"

"I don't think so. But, it's whether they'll both agree."

"I agree. But, with Shadow and Sonic, your guess is as good as mine."

Soon, Shadow returns and he clears his throat, catching Amy's and my attention.

"Oh, hey Shadow. What're you doing here?" I ask

"I live here, and I know about what you both were talking about." Shadow informs

Soon, we're all in a very quick and sudden silence. Shadow quickly remembers Amy teasing me last night and then...

"This is about the relationships, isn't it?"

Amy and I quickly blush as Shadow works us out.

'Shit, we've been rumbled!' I think to myself, as I blush harder

"Yes, it is. Did you hear our conversation?" Amy asks, as she blushes harder too

"Yes, I did. Just so you know, I'm fine with polyamorous exchanges. So, you've got my support. Sonic... I'm not too sure how he'll take it."

"I think we'll find that out, further in the future." I respond

Soon we all separate and do different things, oblivious to what the future will hold.

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