Chapter 3

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Morning arrives, late morning and I go to see Shadow at his house. I knock the door.

"Who's that?!" Shadow asks, quickly alerted

"It's Sapphire, your friend." I answer

"Come in, the door's unlocked."

I enter Shadow's house, to notice the place a mess and Shadow in the centre, tired.

"Are you alright?"

"Tired, that's all."

"Did you sleep last night?"

"No, I didn't."

"Hold on, make a space. I'll join you."

Shadow soon clears a space, in front of him and I sit down.

"How come you've not slept? This isn't you."

"Having someone to talk to, I'm not used to it. I usually see everyone as a rival."

I soon take Shadow's hands, in an attempt to cheer him up. Even with his emotionless expression, I can tell that he likes this.

"What're you doing?"

"I'm trying to cheer you up. From what I can work out, this is working."

"And you can tell that how?"

"Shadow, I've known you long enough to know ways of seeing through your emotionless expression. Plus, it's easy to tell since you're more relaxed than before."

I quickly notice Shadow trying to stay awake; having temporary, short bursts of awareness of the surroundings. My heart breaks seeing Shadow like this, even if we're not dating. Shadow soon lets go and moves, turning his back to me. He lays down, head on my thighs as a pillow and falls asleep. I examine him, head to toe, becoming enamoured by his sleeping body, smiling too.

'He looks gorgeous when he's asleep.' I think to myself

I quickly snap out of my thoughts and try moving from my space, to almost wake Shadow up with each movement. I soon spot a pillow next to me and carefully move Shadow's head onto that. I go out to another part of the world as Shadow begins to move. I reach my destination and sit in the sand, pondering over my thoughts.

'How have I begun to like him? It feels weird, but good as well.' I think to myself

I look out into the waters, as I hear footsteps coming towards me. I turn my head to see Shadow walking towards me and turn back to the waters. Night has fallen by this point.

"Hey, are you alright?" Shadow asks

"Yeah, I'm good. What're you doing up?" I answer and ask

"I woke up and noticed you weren't at home; didn't expect to find you here though."

"Yes, I see that."

Shadow soon sits next to me, as I face the waters still.

"Are you sure you're alright? You're not yourself."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just go back to bed, I'll be there in a minute."

"Alright, see you later."

Shadow goes back to bed as I watch him walk away. Darn it! I had my chance and completely blew it! I lay down and try to sleep, to no avail. Morning comes and I'm still laying in the ground, unable to move out of my space. I turn my head, to see Shadow walking towards me. He arrives by my side.

"Morning, Sapphire." Shadow greets

"Same to you." I respond, through gritted teeth

"Are you alright?"

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