Chapter 10

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Six months pass and I'm at my city home, since my father and friend passed away three months prior. I go out, to be quickly bombarded by citizens and the press.

"What's going on?" I ask, nervously

"You're Sapphire Hawthorne, correct?" A reporter asks

"Sapphire Hawthorne?"

"You're an international celeb now, because of your bravery and good reputation." A citizen answers

"Oh, my..."

"We've heard that you've got a boyfriend, is that true?"

"Yes, but you don't need to know who he is. It's none of your concern."

I am quickly bombarded with different questions and rumours. I soon use magic to teleport the homeland's cave. I go inside a chamber I'd decorated for Shadow and me, to cool off and stay away from other people. I soon hear someone walking into the cave.

"Hello, Sapphire are you in here?" A deep voice asks out

I recognise the voice as Shadow's and quickly turn myself invisible, hiding in the eaves of the chamber. I watch, to notice him going to the pillows and he sniffs them.

"Sapphire, I know you're here."

I hear Shadow calling out and get out of my hiding place, ridding my disguise. Shadow turns to me and looks at me. Then...

"Are you alright?" Shadow asks

"It's the press. I go out of my city house and the first people I see are citizens and the press surrounding me, asking different questions and about different rumours." I answer

"Oh, that's... unusual. "

"That was what I thought. I don't know what to do."

"Not to sound unhelpful, but I don't either. I'd suggest asking Sonic."

"What would he know about fame?"

"He's more famous than me, the most popular out of the two of us."

'Oh boy...' I think to myself

I soon head out of the cave and search for Sonic, to find him with Amy and Blaze. I approach Sonic.

"Hey, Sapphire. What's up?" Sonic asks

"I need to ask you something. Do you know what it's like being famous?" I respond, asking

"I enjoy it, it's best to take it in your stride and not let it get to your head."

"Says the one that's always looking for opportunities to up his fame." Blaze says

"I don't do that."

"Yeah, you do babe. Anyway, what Sonic means is, the experience is different for different people." Amy responds

"Thanks Amy, you're brilliant."

"It's alright and good luck."

"Okay, see you three later."

I walk away as I sense something wrong with Sonic. I turn back, to notice his ears lowered.

"Sonic, are you alright?" I ask

"It's nothing, don't worry about me." Sonic responds

I look at him, concerned and then...

"Alright then, I'll see you later."

I walk away as I hear the three begin talking again. I go back to the city and go to the shopping centre, in search of a clothes store. Then, a woman approaches me.

"Hey, there. You're Sapphire, right?" The woman asks

"Yes, why?" I ask

"Hi, I'm Natalie. I work in a clothing store not far from here."

"You're just the person I need, I'm looking for a clothing store to get some new clothes. Do you know anywhere?"

"The place I work, as suggested by someone named Felicity-Rose, has a wide selection of clothing for any occasion. Follow me."

I follow Natalie to the clothing store, to notice staff waiting for my attendance and lots of sales signs around.

"What's going on?"

"The staff here have been waiting for you to come by. We've had other customers, but they've also been asking when you'd visit our store."

"I want to buy some new clothes. I'm just gonna browse and find the cashier when I'm finished."

"Okay, I'll see you later. Today's my day off and I've got people to see."

"Goodbye for now, Natalie."

Natalie leaves as I go down the aisles, picking the clothes I want; of which consist of a black leather jacket and some new tops. I also look around for eyeliner, to no avail.

"Hello, can I help you?" The staff member asks

"Hi, yes please. I'm looking for eyeliner, that's all after that." I respond

"Certainly, right this way."

I follow the staff member to the beauty section and pick up some black eyeliner. I'm soon guided to the cashier to pay for my items and I find a calendar; it's October 21st. After, I head back to the homeland going to the cave, to bump into Shadow en route.

"Hey, babe. Whatcha got there?" Shadow greets, asking

"Just some new clothes, that's all. Bye now." I respond, speeding away

I soon arrive at an empty cave chamber and make some clothes rails and a mirror appear. I unpack my new clothes and put them on the rails, noticing my reflection and getting upset. I quickly decide to play a bit of mix and match with my new clothes, to find an outfit that I like. Black jeans, a white long-sleeved top and black leather jacket. Perfect, if I do say so myself.

"Hello you, what're you doing here?" Someone asks

I turn around, to notice that Shadow has appeared behind me.

"Oh, hey there. Just trying on my new clothes, that's all." I answer

"Get some more light in here."

I soon make some light appear using magic, to catch Shadow admiring me and my outfit.

"Well, what d'you think?"

"You look phenomenal, Sapphire."

I soon notice a blush starting on Shadow's cheeks and take my oppurtunity to kiss his cheek.

"But not as phenomenal as you, hot stuff."

I wink as we both look each other in the eyes and soon hear footsteps approaching. Looking up and waiting, I notice Amy and Sonic walking towards us.

"Hey, friend. Good to see you again, lookin' smokin' as always." Sonic flirtatiously comments

"Oh, erm... thanks Sonic. Why're you flirting with me?"

"Maybe, 'cause me and Amy have agreed on something."

"What would that be, faker?" Shadow asks

"We've both realised that we like both of you the same... as you like me, Sapphire and Shadow." Amy answers

I'm quickly a frozen, blushing mess with Shadow reaching the same state. Sonic soon approaches me as Amy approaches Shadow. Sonic soon gets close and scratches the back of my ear, kissing me after. I'm briefly wide-eyed before easing into the kiss. I soon feel my body being stroked, in two different places and recognise the touch from Shadow and Amy. I lower my ears, getting close to moaning.

Soon, we all separate and I notice that Amy is a blushing mess as I catch Shadow teasing her, becoming enamoured by what Shadow's doing. Snapping out of it, everyone decides to go their separate ways and I head to my city home.

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