Bonus: a message from the cast 2 + new characters

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Sapphire & Harriot: Hey there readers, great to see you again.

Shadow & Sonic: Thanks for reading the book, it means a lot to us and the author. Also, they've got another book coming.

Emerald: Hey there!

Amy: Emerald, what are you doing here?

Emerald: Isn't that obvious? I'm not giving spoilers, but you'll definitely see me in the next book readers!

Silver: Talk about not giving spoilers...

Blaze: That's an excellent point, Silver.

*Tails & Knuckles enter*

Knuckles: Hey, what's up?

Tails: Another message from the cast?

Sapphire: Yep, another one. Anyway, back to the message. Shadow, that's your cue to speak.

Shadow: *clears throat* We all look forward to appearing in the next book and also...

Everyone: You're all amazing, thanks for the support!

*Everyone starts laughing, in happiness*

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