Chapter 4

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A month passes and Shadow and I have started dating, much to my own surprise. I'm still asleep as Shadow wakes up. After a while, I start to feel pinching on my legs. I wake up to notice Shadow pinching them, causing a burning sensation with each pinch.

"Hey, what's the big idea?" I ask, half-awake

"Sorry about that, your skin's changed." Shadow answers

"Wait, what? What do you mean changed?"

"As in, it's not the same as before. Look for yourself."

I look, to notice that the skin on my legs has changed type.

"Anywhere else?"

"Your face."'

I soon go out the waters and notice the same skin on my face. Without thinking, I start trying to hide it.

"Why are you hiding it?"

"It looks awful. Do you have something to do with this?"

"No, from the looks of it, that's not drawn on. By the way, you don't look awful. You look amazing."

"Gee, thanks..."

Shadow soon comes closer and kisses me. Soon, a bracelet appears on my wrist and begins to glitter. I notice the bracelet on my wrist as it shows a holographic moving picture of my father.

"Father, what're you doing?" I ask

"No time to explain. You're needed at your school... what happened to you?"

"My skin has started changing. Anyway, I'm needed at my school?"

"Yes, come to the city... and fast."

"No, not looking like this."

"Click your fingers, you'll receive something that'll help."

I let go of Shadow's hand and click my fingers. I get a piece of paper that reads: To change back to your originality, say these words: Powers from another world, magic from another time. Turn me back, o wondrous lights

"What about when I'm done?"

"Click again."

I click my fingers again to receive another piece of paper that reads: Your new form is a simple set of words, to return to that state. They are: My duty is done, and my time has come to leave. Return me back, to my new state of body and mind

'I'll need to remember these.' I think to myself

"You need to get to your school, no time to lose!"

"Alright, I'm on my way."

My father's hologram goes away, cutting communications.

"I need to get to the city. You, distract the others." I instruct Shadow

"Got it."

Shadow goes to the others as I turn back into my city appearance and race to the city. I meet my father at my house.

"What's the trouble?" I ask

"Just in time. There's a strange, murky figure hovering over the playground at your school." My father answers

"No time to waste then. Let's move!"

We both get in the car and go to my school - to see the murky figure hovering above the playground. Oblivious to its attacks, I go in front of it.

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