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Yesterday jinyoung hyung buy me choco shake, he treat me well, he take good care of me, we have a lot have fun. At first we just two but then jaebeom and youngjae hyung came. Jinyoung hyung suddenly blushing i don't know why. But that's not the point. Jinyoung hyung still take a look at me if i were okay i'm so happy. I love jinyoung hyung, each day my feeling change. I think i love jinyoung hyung more than that but i keep it first until i was ready. Everytime jinyoung is around me i will tease him and he gave me his annoying face i like it, and he will say 'i will kill you kim yugyeom' that so funny. I laughed. I love you jinyoung.



"Uh hum" someone clear his throat behind yugyeom. Yugyeom turned and looked at the person. Bambam. "So i see you staring at jinyoung hyung picture. Is something i don't know? " yugyeom closed his phone and hide it. "No, nothing. " well i got caught. Yugyeom saying in his brain. Bambam giving teasing look. "Okay whatever you saying but you gonna tell me tonight. Sleepover! Yeayyyy!!! " bambam jumping like a kid.

Yugyeom closed his ear. "Gosh bammie don't screaming. " bambam stop jumping and sat beside yugyeom. "Opps sorry i was excited. "

"Sleepover at your house? "

"Yes bro, i have a lot of question for you so be ready tonight " bambam smirked. Yugyeom just rolled his eyes. Well i have long night tonight. "Why you guys so loud? " sudden jaebeom enter the studio. "Oh you hear me? " bambam asked.

Jaebeom just nodded and put his water bottle at table. Yugyeom stood up ready for practice. "Just sleepover " bambam said. "Oh just two of you? " jaebeom joined yugyeom.

"Maknae date, you guys can't wait for the others? "

Yugyeom and jaebeom looked at bambam. "We just warm up pfft" yugyeom said, bambam huffed.

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