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Jinyoung and youngjae sitting on bench at park, eating ice cream. They both enjoying eating ice cream, seeing kids play around. There have couples and family spend time together, sharing loves. They both spend hours there talking about random stuff.

Then youngjae eyes caught on jinyoung wrist. Cute bracelet got his attention. "Hyung is that your bracelet? "

Jinyoung looking at his wrist and then show it to youngjae. "Yes, someone buy it to me. It's cute right? "

Youngjae smiled. "Yes is so cute i think i want one too"

Jinyoung chuckle. "Sorry i just have one, beside this bracelet special to me"

Youngjae giving teasing look "aww hyung who is lucky person hmm? " jinyoung blushing. Then his mind think about yugyeom. "What is he doing now "


Jinyoung just hummed.

"Urm... " youngjae hesitate to say. Jinyoung turn to look at youngjae. "What it is youngjae? "

"I think i were gay.... And i fell in love with someone" youngjae poke his both index finger.

Jinyoung understand that. "Okay youngjae just tell me" jinyoung smile and ruffle youngjae hair.

"You don't mind if i were gay? " jinyoung shake his head. "The person i like is.... Jaebeom hyung. He always caring about me, i like the way he treat me, giving his gummy smile always being soft to me, everyday, and now i realised i like him. What should i do hyung? " youngjae look at jinyoung.

Jinyoung looking the lake infront them , the wind blow his hair a bit. Seeing sunset he take deep breath, without looking at youngjae he spoke. "You should confess your feeling then. Jaebeom like you too trust me, the way he look at you is different, everytime he talks to you he will smile brightly, i know because i see that on jaebeom. "

Youngjae was smile feeling happy. "Thank you so much hyung " he hug jinyoung. After that they went home, jinyoung was sending youngjae to go home.

His mind was remind back of what youngjae and him talk about. He feel sad but why? He wasn't realize that he was going to yugyeom house. His mind was blank. Arrived, he park his car infront yugyeom house.

Ringing the doorbell he waited but yugyeom was not home. He got somewhere. Jinyoung sat at the front door, hugging hig legs to chest, waiting there like a lost child. Pouty lips. The dark filled the sky time by time which mean it's already night. Jinyoung still waiting. Rested his head at his knees.

"Hyung? " jinyoung looking up, finally yugyeom show up. Jinyoung smiled and stood up.

"What are you doing here? " yugyeom asked while he opened the door house.

"I want to see you" jinyoung feels nervous on him saying that. He don't know where the caurage he got to say that. Yugyeom let jinyoung enter his house. Bite his lower lips and close the door.

Yugyeom turned and see jinyoung is staring at him. Jinyoung walk closer to yugyeom close and close. Cupped yugyeom cheeks titled head.

"Yugyeom close his eyes"

-3 votes for next chapter. 💚
-new story is coming, yea i know i have many works. Thank you to my brain. 😂 well i'm jingyeom shipper so another jinyoung and yugyeom story. Can request any ship(GOT7) and i will do it but not so soon i gonna finish other story first. I really appreciate who left a comment bcs i like reading comment.
-thank you for support 💚

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