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It's been long time, do you yall miss me? 😂 sorry for the late, late, late update. I'm was busy with school work and school was exhausted me. Also my brain work hard for studies, so i out of an idea, sorry again making yall waiting. Thanks for support me till here. 💚

Have a nice days readers, enjoy reading.

"Where is yugyeom? " jinyoung asked the others in studio. All eyes now was on jinyoung. "Urm maybe go buy ice cream with bambam " jackson replied, jinyoung sigh. "Jinyoung, do you love yugyeom that much? " jackson ask, beside him was mark, jaebeom and youngjae. Jinyoung giving cold face. "How did you know? And why you asked? " jinyoung come near to the group and still standing, arm crossed. Jackson chuckle, "you exposed so much, want yugyeom attention, always want clingy with yugyeom, will tease yugyeom a lot and others thing" all the member is agreed with jackson words.

Jinyoung sigh again, looking down thinking. "Am i annoying? " mark was suprised on jinyoung question. "No, you're not jinyoung ah just maybe you reject yugyeom before so he bit afraid to make move, but trust me yugyeom still like and love you. Don't give up we are here with you. "

"Hm thanks mark hyung, i will. " jinyoung sitting down, joining them. Then the studio door open reveal bambam and yugyeom. "Jaebeom hyunggggg can i go home? The practice was over right " yugyeom whined and make puppy eyes. Mark and jackson laughed. "Yea, but make sure came early tomorrow"

"Thank you" yugyeom happily pack his thing. "Do you all not going home? " yugyeom asked while put on his bag on to his shoulder. "We want to stay here a bit, maybe jinyoung want to go home with you" jaebeom said and smiled at jinyoung. "Jinyoung hyung can stay at your house again right yugy. " bambam say. Bambam keep his face like nothing happen while jinyoung already give him death glare. All the member are hold back their laughter. "Sure you can, it feel like that your house too because you often came to my house. So i don't care, come on hyung " jinyoung didn't expect that yugyeom will say those words.

After saying their bid goodbye, jinyoung follow yugyeom going home. Walking on the street with yugyeom, jinyoung always think, he wish he could hold yugyeom's hand, feel the soft. Holding hand like a couple do, but jinyoung do not want yugyeom feel uncomfortable with him, so he just keep it first until they have special relay. Many thought on jinyoung mind. Will he be forever with yugyeom?

"Can i get a cuddle? " jinyoung finish his button on his pajamas, pouty lips waiting for yugyeom respond. Yugyeom just staring at him, sitting on the bed, scroll instagram. Jinyoung started to pull yugyeom wrist pajamas because yugyeom didn't say anything. Yugyeom sigh. "Come" jinyoung immediately sat on yugyeom lap, jinyoung doesn't care he want to sit on those lap. Yugyeom was shocked. But he hug jinyoung instead. Jinyoung giggle seeing yugyeom face reaction.

Jinyoung pinched both yugyeom cheek hard that make yugyeom whined. "Ahhhh hyungggg that's hurt" yugyeom was so cute that make jinyoung pinch his cheek. "Yugyeom ~" jinyoung called. Yugyeom just hummed as reply. "I want a kiss"


Jinyoung pouted even more. "Ahhhh yugyeom pleaseee" yugyeom shake his head. Jinyoung pulled yugyeom hair, being like a child. Yugyeom screaming in pain. "Yah hyung! My hairrr" jinyoung didn't care on what yugyeom say he keep pulling yugyeom hair. "Fine i kiss you, stop you messing my hair. " jinyoung immediately stopped.

Yugyeom give a kiss but just a peck on the lips. Jinyoung protest because he not satisfied yet. He crossed his arm. "I want more! "

"Okay time to sleep, tomorrow have pratice. "

"Please, please this is last" jinyoung shake yugyeom both shoulder hard. Yugyeom sigh. "Hyung really you being kid " yugyeom feel like he want to slap jinyoung because being like this but glad he love jinyoung.

Yugyeom crashed his lips on jinyoung lips. Yugyeom deepen the kiss, right hand back of jinyoung head. Jinyoung hugged yugyeom neck. Taste each other lips, feeling needy. The kiss start to be a rough one, playing tongue, sharing saliva. Jinyoung want more. The sound of kiss filled the room. Yugyeom other hand roaming jinyoung body, jinyoung moaned between the kiss, feeling like in paradise.

Yugyeom broke the kiss to catch some air, the sting of saliva make yugyeom wipe his lips using his palm hand. Jinyoung lips was swollen. He hide his face on crook of yugyeom neck. Snuggle more feel yugyeom scent. Yugyeom lay on the bed and jinyoung was on top of him, hug tighter. After a while yugyeom asked a question that jinyoung himselft do not know what to answer back.

"What are we? "

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