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Yugyeom bottom, bottom, bottom, bottom. Thanks for those who comment. But keep yall dirty minded bcs this chapter no smut. Just wait. Keep comment, let me know your opinion or if you guys like this story. Stay support. 💚

Jinyoung just seeing yugyeom always with bambam. Even he want to be partner with yugyeom, the younger will choose bambam quickly. Ofcourse jinyoung is jealous. Saw the younger laugh whenever bambam make jokes. Why he should seeing this. It hurt so much oh god.

Jinyoung all being moody that day. He will reply short for answer. His face was cold no smile on his face. No pouty lips. 5 minutes before break time, jinyoung went to toilet. Looking his look on the mirror. Keeping the good looking. Jinyoung sighed and splash his face with water. Pull the paper towel and dry his both hand.

Jinyoung now was eating alone at mini studio. He want to be alone. Enjoying the food, he didn't think much all he need is foods. Then someone enter the mini studio. Jinyoung didn't care who is coming, he just looking at his food and eat. The person sat beside jinyoung. Jinyoung know who it was, see by side eyes. His heart start to beat unnormal, it was yugyeom. "What he doing here? "

Jinyoung realize that their hips are touched. Great they were to close to each other. Jinyoung continue to eat with silent when he feel the younger doesn't eat at all. "Hyung " yugyeom called softly. Yugyeom voice is so angelic that jinyoung want to hear everyday, every hours, minutes and seconds. He wasn't getting bored. "Yes yugyeom " jinyoung turned and look at yugyeom.

Yugyeom smiled, his cheeks got puffed because of food he eating. Swear, jinyoung heart was melted seeing this. He feel want to pinch the younger cheeks so hard. Suddenly yugyeom kiss jinyoung right cheek. Yugyeom immediately continue eating. Jinyoung was froze. Is this real? He ask himself. Jinyoung touch his cheek where yugyeom kissed, he still feel the younger soft lips. "Gosh yugyeom what are you doing to me? "

After that thing they both were talked in comfortable. Jinyoung want to ask why yugyeom kissed his cheek but jinyoung just keep the question. The kiss was light up jinyoung mood. He feeling so happy.


Yugyeom was cuddling with jinyoung on couch. At first they both watching some random movie and end up with cuddle. Yugyeom rested his head on jinyoung shoulder, hug jinyoung tight. Jinyoung rested his head on top of yugyeom head. Feeling comfortable. Yugyeom was sleepy, so he sleep first. Goes to dreamland.

"I hope this will be forever and ever" jinyoung mumbled and went asleep too.

But did yugyeom still act they were just a friends and like a brothers?

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