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"God damn jinyoung can you just eat! You didn't eat anything from morning and you were sick " mark shouted at jinyoung, holding a bowl of porridge. While jinyoung being stuborn, crossed his arm, pouty lips. "Jinyoung please" mark pleaded, sad look seeing jinyoung.

"I want yugyeom to come here if not i won't eat" jinyoung keep his pout lips. Mark sigh. Then jaebeom enter the room. "Did he eat yet? " jaebeom asked, mark shake his head. "What about yugyeom? " mark looking at jaebeom. "He still doesn't pick up his phone, bambam don't know where yugyeom is going"

Jinyoung actually was hungry but he want yugyeom to feed him, he know he being selfish but he want yugyeom here to take care of him, two days being sick all he want is yugyeom. He missed yugyeom so much. Every night he was thinking about yugyeom.

Youngjae burst in to the room. "Jaebeomie jackson say he was with yugyeom at shopping mall"

"Say to jackson bring yugyeom here "

Jinyoung feel jealous that yugyeom going out with jackson, he sulking even more.

"Your lips doesn't hurt doing that? " mark rolled his eyes. Then jinyoung hide himself in the blanket. "Okay fine go wait your boyfriend like that until he came" mark huff and left the room.

"He's not my boyfriend....yet" jinyoung mumbled.


Yugyeom and jackson walking at the mall while jackson cling to yugyeom arm. "Hyung what you want to buy? "

"I don't know"

"Then why you bring me here? "

"I'm bored and i feel want to go out with cutest maknae" jackson make puppy eyes. Yugyeom just scoff. Then jackson phone were ringing. "Give me a second" yugyeom waited until jackson ended the phone call. Jackson dragged yugyeom. "Hyung where we going? "


"But we didn't buy anything "

"Just follow me"

In the car yugyeom wasn't say anything, he keep his mouth shut. After 30 minutes jackson arrived at jinyoung house. Yugyeom realize he wasn't at his house but at jinyoung house instead. "Hyung why we going here? " jackson get out from the car and went to yugyeom, he open the door car. "Come on" yugyeom hesitate get out from the car. Jackson press the doorbell. They wait until the door open. Mark was open the door. "Glad you here yugyeom, come in"

They both enter the house. Yugyeom face was full of question, he sees all the member is here and why jackson brought him here. "Yugyeom hurry up jinyoung is waiting for you, he in his room" youngjae say while quickly dragg yugyeom to jinyoung room. "What, me? " youngjae nodded.

Yugyeom knock the door twice and enter the room. "Hyung? " he know that jinyoung was hiding in the blanket. "Jinyoung hyung " yugyeom sat at the bed beside jinyoung lying. Jinyoung push the blanket just until his face showed. Have sweat at his forehead because body temperature. Jinyoung staring at yugyeom. Now yugyeom was here right beside him. "You don't want to ask me if i'm okay? "

"Are you sick? "

Jinyoung nod. Yugyeom saw a bowl of porridge at mini table. "I'm hungry" jinyoung said on cute voice. Yugyeom take the bowl and give it to jinyoung but jinyoung open his mouth instead. Yugyeom lifted his eyebrow. "Feed me please" jinyoung make pouty lips again. Yugyeom rolled his eyes "fine" yugyeom started to feed jinyoung. After a minute the bowl was empty. Jinyoung like to see yugyeom face so he was staring at yugyeom all time.

Yugyeom heart was beat faster, being with jinyoung this close just two of them in jinyoung's room, feeding him, jinyoung staring at him all time make yugyeom weak and shaky hands but he control. He try to leave the room but jinyoung stopped him. "Plewse stay here" yugyeom looking at jinyoung eyes he can't say no to that face and those eyes. Yugyeom brushed jinyoung hair and lying beside him. Jinyoung immediately hug yugyeom like a koala, he won't let go of yugyeom, snuggle more on yugyeom chest, smell yugyeom scent while jinyoung legs was all around at yugyeom hips. Yugyeom sing lullaby to jinyoung and easily jinyoung fell asleep.

That day jinyoung finally can get enough sleep.

"Sweet dream jinyoung "

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