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"Stop eating my cereal! " yugyeom whined at bambam. Pouted because bambam was eating his morning breakfast. Yugyeom grab the bowl from bambam doesn't satisfied what bambam do. Bambam just showed didn't do anything face. Mark shake his head seeing them two.

Yugyeom continue to eat. "Yugy" mark called.

"Hm? " he swallow the cereal.

"When will you and jinyoung be together, now we all know that jinyoung like you so...nothing happen? "

Yugyeom looking at the bowl. Didn't know what to say.

"I'm stressed seeing you two" bambam scoffed.

"Nahhh i don't know. He reject me before. " yugyeom seem frustrated.

Mark and bambam look each other then yugyeom. Bambam was know everything, he just doesn't tell everyone like yugyeom say. Mark feel sorry to yugyeom, he don't know the true story so he just keep silent.

"Maybe if you guys give me favor what should i do? "

Mark thinking. "Hm i don't know. "

"You guys should dating! " bambam screamed.

"Can you slow your voice? " yugyeom stood up and washed his bowl.

"Is that a good idea? " mark said.

"Oh c'mon they like each other, they both should be a couple. I bet jinyoung and yugyeom gonna be cute couple! " bambam saying happily. Yugyeom just hear them talking. Mark tap bambam shoulder to look at yugyeom. While yugyeom started to play with his phone. Bambam sighed.


"Hum" but his focus was on the phone.

"Yugyeom "

Yugyeom sigh and look at bambam. "Yes my dear friend "

"Can you talk with jinyoung, atleast clear things out, jinyoung is stressed and we want this comeback to be okay nothing to bother anyone. So please yugyeom. "

"Okay fine i will talk with hyung, don't worry. "

"Yugy i know you still love jinyoung " mark added.

Why this happen? It is my fault? Yugyeom thought. Truth that he want to be more than friend with jinyoung but now he just afraid with his feeling. Yugyeom didn't want to hurt himself again. It's enough for him. The reason he now be more careful and he knows he hurt jinyoung many time, that make he even more fell guilty. What should he do. He got depress but glad he get to manage it, if not it will getting be more worse. Yugyeom want answer from jinyoung, from jinyoung own lips. Lazy or not he will go talk with jinyoung.

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