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Jinyoung kick the pebbles while he walking at the park. The wind blow make his hair close the eyes a bit, making he look handsome walked there. Great view. Jinyoung watching sunset alone, feeling relax. Hands inside his coat ,need more warm. In deep thought jinyoung didn't realize yugyeom already beside him. Yugyeom looking at the older, smiled. He poke jinyoung cheek.

Jinyoung turned and he was looking at the cute figure he ever see, that cute smile he missed. Jinyoung smile back. "What were you thinking? You in deep thought that you doesn't realize that i'm already here. " the younger asked.

"Nothing, just feeling the nature. I missed walk in the morning take some fresh air. "

Yugyeom suddenly grab jinyoung hand form the pocket coats and hold it. Caressed jinyoung palm. They continue walking. Jinyoung feels more love. Everyday he fall in love with the younger, he can't hate the younger even he try he admit it. He likes yugyeom, jinyoung want more than this. Jinyoung will take care of yugyeom, he can't bare if yugyeom will get sick. Jinyoung tighted the hand hold and close his body with yugyeom.

"Hyung" yugyeom called softly. Jinyoung hummed.

"Bambam invited me to go theme park this weekend, he want you to come too. "

He was jealous with bambam before but he want to spend more time with the younger. So jinyoung will join them.

Now they were infront yugyeom's apartment door, still holding hand. Jinyoung staring at yugyeom. Yugyeom unlocked the door and enter with jinyoung. Jinyoung immediately hug yugyeom. "I miss you" jinyoung mumbled, his face were at yugyeom chest. Yugyeom hugged jinyoung back, pat jinyoung back calm the older. Jinyoung snuggle more like the younger scent.

Yugyeom didn't say anything, he just stay silent. Placed his cheek on top of jinyoung head. Feeling the soft hair. They stay like that after a minute then have a lunch. Filling their stomach.

I know this is boring.
Sorry for the late update. *sigh*
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Have a nice day.

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