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After the confessing, jinyoung and yugyeom are both boyfriend. Lots of trouble they been through but manage to fix it.

"I notice that you always wear the bracelet i buying for you" yugyeom pointed at jinyoung wrist.

Jinyoung smiled looked at the bracelet. "Ofcourse my fav dongsaeng buy it for me. But now different." everyday he thinking about yugyeom and realize he really in love with yugyeom.

Jinyoung still regret that he rejected the younger before. As long yugyeom keep comfort him, he forgot about that but always remind in his mind.

"Hyung are you okay?"

Jinyoung staring deep at yugyeom eyes. The same eyes look at him with love. Same the night yugyeom confess to him. Full of love, caring and protect. Jinyoung really like those eyes. He never get boring seeing it.

"I love you gyeom"

Yugyeom touched jinyoung hand, caressing using thumb. "I love you too. I know you were thinking about you rejected me before. Don't worry hyung i always love you."

Jinyoung nodded. Brought yugyeom hand to his face, feeling soft hand.

"I love you"

"Yea i know jinyoungie" yugyeom chuckle and giggle.

They both enjoyed in cafe before headed to studio. Everyday before practice , they on cute date, just simple one as long as yugyeom is happy jinyoung happy too.

The End.

Sorry for really late update.
I decide to end here guys, sorry. I've been lot thinking where the story lead but i'm running of ideas so here last chapter. So sorry i know it's boring.

Lots of new story coming in future. Stay for support till today love ya. 💚

Author = mia 🐥

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