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"You guys did a great job " jb said after their comeback stage. They all sweating and exhausted. "You guys have anything to do after this? " jackson asked. All looking at jackson. "Urm nope i just thinking want to go home and sleep" bambam chuckle. Then they nodded.

"Can we go for dinner it's been long time " jackson pouted. "Yea sure why not" jb replied. "Yeayyy mark hyung treat! " jackson said while jumping like a kid. They all cheers happily. Mark sigh, why his life like this rip mark money. They happy but except yugyeom.

Yugyeom clear his throat. "Urm guys, i don't think i can join"

"Why, why, why? " jackson asked with sad face. Sad because precious maknae can't join.

"My mom called and have something stuff to do, sorry. Maybe next time i can join. " yugyeom rubbed his back of neck. Actually yugyeom is lied, he didn't feel want to go he not in mood, he want to go home and rest instead. Rest his mind from thinking too much. He wish other members believe him and let him go home.

"I should give up,
I should move on. Keep myself away for being hurt. "

"Yea maybe next time we should go as 7 group. Okay you all can go home, thanks for today and your hard working especially yugyeom you did really great job i proud of you. " jb said and pack his things ready to go home.

Yugyeom bowed. "Thank you jaebeom hyung "

Yugyeom went home first, he walk alone. He stopped, looking up seeing stars shine. The night sky was so beautiful. He thinking again and sigh. Then his phone buzzed. He check and got message from bambam.

Bro are you okay?? :p

He just seen that chat. He not in mood on reply any message. He continue walk home.

"I thought jinyoung hyung like me too but..... My mistake easy fall in love. "


Jinyoung feel he on third wheel. He regret to join jb and youngjae go dinner. From the first and until now in restaurant jb just focus and give attention to youngjae but sometime jb and youngjae will talk with jinyoung . He bored and start to just play with his phone.

He open the gallery, scroll. Then 1 picture got his attention. It was him and yugyeom selfie, at night market. That the last he hang out with the younger, after that day yugyeom doesn't talk to him or greet him not looking at him, avoid eyes contact. Either want to sat beside him or to be with him. The younger will talk to him if got important things just that.

Jinyoung stare at the picture. He don't know why but...... He miss yugyeom? Jinyoung sigh, closed his phone and staring at jaebeom.

"Jaebeom hyung like youngjae. "

Maybe this is yugyeom feeling when i rejected him more than that. It's hurt so much. Now jinyoung understand.

Yugyeom can't sleep again. He start to hate himself being so weak. Sleepless over him. He decide to make hot chocolate and watch netflix until he asleep.

-have mistake on this story but i lazy to re-edit. Which part is on chapter 4 yugyeom say "i like you" not "i love you " . Thank you.
-2 votes for next chapter.

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