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Sorry for late update. School. Stressed.
Have a nice day readers. 💚

Jinyoung mind was mess but he know what he doing now. He kissing yugyeom, he make move first. Yugyeom didn't kiss jinyoung back he still in froze, feel jinyoung soft lips touched his own lips. Jinyoung lick yugyeom lips for entrance but no, yugyeom won't got easily by this.

Yugyeom break the kiss, and push jinyoung slowly. He looked at jinyoung, have disappointed on jinyoung face.

"Why didn't you kiss me back? "

Yugyeom sigh. "Hyung... I....we nothing okay, we just friend. So the kiss i will take as friend kiss nothing more than that, i hope you understand. "

Jinyoung heart was ache and hurt on yugyeom words, he can't get angry over this. But he feel sad, does yugyeom move on already?

Jinyoung grab yugyeom hand. "Hyung just go home okay, rest your mind but if you want to stay here, sure can " yugyeom let go his hand from jinyoung and went to his room. Jinyoung was still standing there. Tears fall down to his cheeks. Hold the bracelet with another hand just then he left the house.

Got in to his car. Thinking. "Am i like yugyeom? My heart isn't sure but why i kiss him and now crying? Stupid jinyoung " he speak to himself. But most important things is he miss the younger so much, his attitude completed change.

"I think i love you yugyeom, yes i like you "

Yeayyy. Lol
Do follow me on instagram @pepii_u
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