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"Choco shakeeeee!! " yugyeom screamed and went to jinyoung. Bambam and youngjae looking each other and smile. Jinyoung give the drink to yugyeom, the younger happily grab it and drank. Jinyoung knows to make yugyeom feels happy.

"Thank youuuu" jinyoung nodded.

"You just buy a drink for yugyeom it's not fair hyung! " bambam pouted.

"Bambam you can buy it yourself " youngjae replied, messing bambam hair. Made bambam pout even more.

"Ok that's enough let continue playing. Were do we go next ?" jinyoung saying to them while yugyeom want to sharing his drink but bambam refused. Youngjae was thinking where do he want to play, still have a lot fun thing. Their were at the theme park.

"Hyunggg can we go to roller-coaster? Pleaseee " yugyeom make puppy eyes. Gosh jinyoung feel want to bite those cheeks. Bambam and youngjae face already pale. They don't want to ride that things but ofcourse jinyoung will say yes to yugyeom, but bambam and youngjae still hoping until they hear 'yes' words come out from jinyoung mouth. Yugyeom hopping like a kid while youngjae grab bambam hand feeling scared, bambam's hand already freezing.

"You guys okay right? " jinyoung asked.

"Ahh yea hyung" youngjae faked smile.

After the riding, youngjae throw out all things he ate. Bambam stay silent, face still pale. Yugyeom hugged bambam, calm that boy. "Aww sorry bammie" yugyeom feeling guilty.

"No it's okay, next time i am not ride that again. About youngjae i worried why if jaebeom hyung mad at meeeee. " bambam whined, sad expression on his face.

"Don't worry bam, i'm here"

Youngjae came out from the toilet. "I shouldn't eat a lot " he sighed. Jinyoung seeing them and take care of youngjae. "You guys want to go home? "

They three just nodded. "Hyung"

"Yes youngjae "

"Jaebeom will pick me here, so hyung, yugyeom and bambam can go home first. Thank you for today " youngjae smile sweetly.

"Aww so cute! " yugyeom make cute face and bambam clowning him. Youngjae chuckle and blushed. Jinyoung laugh seeing they being childish. "Okay take care, bye youngjae" jinyoung caressing youngjae hair.

Just them three now, but bambam have a plan. "Guys i forgot i didn't give my cats food yet so goodbye! " just then bambam running and didn't forget waving at yugyeom and jinyoung. Jinyoung smiled, what a maknae. Jinyoung being brave walked home hand in hand with yugyeom. Sudden yugyeom stopped walking. Jinyoung turned and look at the younger. The younger was looking at the sky. "Hyungg look it beautiful isn't it? " yugyeom pointed at the sky. Jinyoung look at yugyeom point. Slowly sun goes down, the colour of orange make it beautiful, what a nice view to see.

Yugyeom close his eyes feeling the wind touch his face. Peaceful. Jinyoung staring at yugyeom. Now yugyeom is more beautiful in his eyes. He can't take his eyes from looking at yugyeom. His love grow bigger. He really want to protect the younger, babying him always.

Jinyoung cupped both yugyeom cheek, staring at each other.

"You know i'm so happy today, thank you " yugyeom smile, his cheek puff. The view make the scent more romance. Jinyoung caress yugyeom right cheek using his thumb. Peck yugyeom lips.

"I love you. " seeing jinyoung eyes yugyeom knows that jinyoung truly said that. Yugyeom just smiled. Yugyeom didn't say anything

Other side jinyoung was waiting yugyeom to say it back. But no just silent. He feel disappointed?

"Let's go home and cuddle" yugyeom take jinyoung hand, continue to walk. Jinyoung can't stress himself anymore so he just quiet. He will think too much.

Enjoy reading. 💚
I make double update bcs of late update. Sorry for making you guys waiting.
Please keep support so that i feel happy to writing and update. Thank you
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