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Jinyoung aka mom


Jinyoung aka mom

Oky bro what?

Jinyoung aka mom
Can we meet up? I have something to tell.

Oky sure.

Jinyoung aka mom
I send you the address

What now? :)

Jinyoung aka mom
Get your ass here or i drag you and you won't come back home.

Oh creep-

Jinyoung aka mom

Okay fine.

Jinyoung waiting for jaebeom to arrive while just looking at his drinks. After couple of minutes jaebeom made up and sat infront jinyoung. But he in deep thought, jaebeom fake cough until jinyoung look at jaebeom.

"Oh you here, sorry "

Jaebeom smiled.

"So what's up? "

Jinyoung sighed. Seeing jinyoung like this jaebeom knows what is going on.

"It is about yugyeom? "

Finally jinyoung told everything about their going theme park. And last words isn't easy for jinyoung to speak. Jaebeom being good listener, will solve his friends problem.

"He didn't say back... I'm feel.....i don't know. " jinyoung cover his face using both hand. He don't know what to do, he been sleepless thinking this. Jaebeom see that jinyoung stressed himself and it's not good for health.

"Jinyoung listen here, yugyeom still like you trust me, he just not ready to say back. He hesitate to say that words. But deep in his eyes i know he love you, don't worry. He love your company going home with him everyday. Yugyeom is happy. "

Jinyoung give weak smile. Maybe he think negative too much. Jaebeom words calm him a bit. Glad jaebeom is here, everything is just fine just now. Looking at the bracelet, he wear everytime and everyday. When he feels miss the younger he will look at it. Always remind jinyoung of they both spend time together until he rejected yugyeom, that part hurt jinyoung too. Why he reject people who's love and like him? How stupid he is. Jinyoung take a sip of his mango drink.

"You can go home if you want"

Jaebeom smiled and shake his head. "I want to spend time with you it's been long time seen we together, your treat. "

Jinyoung rolled his eyes. "Fine, thanks for helping me" jaebeom nodded.

They joking and laughing just like best friend forever. Keep this ship. JJP.


Yugyeom whined loudly. Feeling angry with bambam. Bambam was messing his room and didn't clean it. But youngjae is there instead.

"Why yugyeom? " youngjae asked. Yugyeom just pointed at his room and pout. Youngjae chuckle seeing the younger, patted yugyeom hair. "It's okay let clean together hm"

Yugyeom keep mumbled when he cleaning his room, like 5 years old kids getting scold with his mom because playing video games too much. Youngjae just smiled seeing yugyeom. How cute.

Yugyeom feeling exhausted after cleaning he laying on the couch. Closed his eyes. Suddenly someone ring the doorbell.

"I go get it" youngjae say.

Youngjae open the door, his smile became even wide see the person. "Bummie! " youngjae hugged jaebeom. Beside jaebeom was jinyoung, jinyoung smile seeing them.

"Hi jinyoung hyung. " youngjae greet. They all enter the apartment. Jaebeom was bringing foods because of youngjae, hungry of course. Yugyeom change his position to sit. His face light up seeing foods that jaebeom bring. Yugyeom smile sees jinyoung.

"Why you seem tired yugyeom? " jaebeom asked, put the foods at coffee table.

"Me and youngjae hyung cleaning my room, cause bambam mess it. I don't know what he is doing. " yugyeom replied. Youngjae sat beside yugyeom meanwhile jjp sat infront them.

Youngjae keep babying yugyeom that make jinyoung feel jaelous. Jaebeom notice the change of jinyoung. He whisper to jinyoung.

"That's my boyfriend so don't be jealous " jaebeom chuckled after he say that. But jinyoung doesn't care he want to be jealous, he wish he is youngjae right now. He just watched they both.

I should be next to yugyeom not youngjae.

Enjoy reading. 💚
Don't ask me why this chapter is long ~
Do yall want smut? Cause i feel don't want to do it. 😂
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