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2 months later
Weekend day, free day for yugyeom he has no schedule. Sat on the couch watching netflix while eating snacks. Suddenly his phone ringing. Without see the caller id he pickup the call.

"Hello " but no answer.

"Hello" yugyeom see the call id and it's was jinyoung. Really he got heart attack. Why jinyoung is calling him. He cursed in whisper then continue. "Oh hi hyung"

J=are you free tonight?

Yugy=yes, whyy? (His heart wasn't beat normal) 

J=can you come to my house?

Yugyeom put away his phone and looking. Is this real? What should i say? He want to cry. He take deep breath.

Yugy=okay 7pm

Yugyeom ended the call. "Bambam you must help me" he mumbled.


Jinyoung was stunned with yugyeom voice. "I call him while he is eating great" jinyoung pressed on button at his phone reveal he and yugyeom selfie as lockscreen then he looked at his wrist the bracelet yugyeom buy for him. He still wearing it all times. "I do right things? " he questioned himself. Then he went to his room.

7:05 pm
Someone ring jinyoung's doorbell house. Jinyoung goes to front door and open it. Yugyeom has arrived and.... With bambam behind him. Jinyoung feel a bit disappointed but he let them two in and closed the door.

"Wow hyung your house so nice" bambam said, he already sat on sofa and admire the house. Yugyeom sat beside bambam.

"So hyung why you want yugyeom to come to your house? " bambam asked, but yugyeom tap his lap and giving glare. Bambam give i-dont-care face.

Jinyoung mouth was shut, he don't know what to said back. He rubbed his back of neck. "Nothing just i'm bored" he don't know what he just say but then he feeling really shy.

Bambam mouth was open a bit he can't believe on jinyoung words. Is this jinyoung hyung or not? Yugyeom too was shocked.

"Is just that he want me to come? "

"Ahhhh okay hyung" bambam give weird laugh.

"Are you guys hungry? I already cooked. "

They both nodded. As always bambam being the louder because he don't want awkward situation. Yugyeom didn't much talk. If have question he will give short reply. Seeing jinyoung hyung on weekend immediately make his mood down. Jinyoung will take a glance on yugyeom while having dinner. Jinyoung feel sad because yugyeom was less talk just jinyoung and bambam talking. After the dinner yugyeom and bambam went home.

Jinyoung lying on his bed, thinking. He stare at the bracelet again. "He doesn't forget about this bracelet right? " jinyoung mumbled, sigh. Everyday i think about you. I hate that i must admit something i'm not sure. I want to hold your hand but i can't. Jinyoung feels tears left his eyes. Jinyoung wipe it use his sleeve.

I still can't believe to myself that i'm move on so fast forward jaebeom. I didn't feel anything when i look at him. I feel nothing.

Jinyoung fall asleep while thinking about things he not sure.

What jinyoung want from yugyeom? It is love?

-3 votes for next chap? I don't want take risk lol.
-okay still 2 votes for next chapter
-i hope you guys enjoy reading my fanfic, don't be silent readers.

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