I'm sorry

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"I'm sorry honey,who did you see?."

"I saw Hopper, h-he's alive." "Are you sure ,  you are not even sure if you totally have your powers back."
"No mom I am sure of what I saw."

Joyce was happy if this was really true but was worried of they would do to save him. But one thing she  was sure of after saving him was  that she  would not miss the opportunity to telm him how much she loved him.

"You think you could try to see him again ?". "Yes, i just need a blindfold and the tv on channel three."

Will switched the tv to channel three and Joyce found a blindfold. El sat infront of the tv and took a deap breath. Then took the blindfold up to her eyes and immediately entered the black room. Just as she did, she saw her father in the corner of a cell. She strarted whispering what she saw. "Dark room,alone,bad men screaming."

"Can you understand what they are saying ?"
"No,another language"

"Do you see anything that tells us where he is ?" But as El got closser she saw several symbols that in another language were words." I see symbols on the soldiers uniforms." " Will bring me a notebook please, can you describe them?" "One is chair like and another is like line and dots" As El decribed more she felt like she had seen them before,then she remembered that they looked like the ones on the russian uniform that she had worn when closing the gate.As she ran to find the uniform she hoped she was wrong.But as she took the uniform in her hands.
Her worst fear had come true,Hopper had ended up with the russians.

I Will See You Again. - (Jopper)Where stories live. Discover now