I need your help Murray

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  Just after El had seen Hopper, Joyce called Murray to ask for his help." Murray El got her powers back".  That's why you called me?". "Of course not, she said she saw Hop and I need your help since he is in Russia and you are the only person I know that speaks russian."

" Did you just say that Jim is alive and in Russia." " Yes that is exactly what I said, Are you not paying attention ?". " Well you just call me and tell me is alive and in Russia and I'm supposed to know exactly what to do."

"I'm sorry it's just that I just found out of this to and I'm scared and I need your help." "Well me myself can only go with you but you know who can actually help us, Owens." " How can Owens help us?" " The last time yousaw Jim was in the portal and the portal is in the mall , so we have to go to the mall and go through the gate there." " You are right, call him and then call me back, Thank you."

Joyce was anxious for the next 30 minutes waiting for Murray's call. And then it came. "He said he could help us but we had to be quick so that we don't get discovered." "You have to come with me, I'll wait for you in my house, bye."

" Joyce, Joyce !!, How am I supposed to get there without an adress?" " Oh right,  it's 8812 Ga 15 Hwy N Warthen, Georgia 30517." " I'll be there as soon as possible."

Joyce could only imagine the moment where she would see Hopper again. Then sudden hope aroused in her. The seconds could only go by slower.


Hopper was sitting when all of the sudden one of the russians came to get him just like everyday. He was taken to a room for interrogation of what he knew of the gate. But today would be different. As he sat down throught another door he could see a russian approaching with a handcuffed man that would be seated next to him in a few seconds. But before he looked up and  he realized El and Joyce were in great danger.


I Will See You Again. - (Jopper)Where stories live. Discover now