One year later

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One year had passed since Hopper had came back from Russia. One year since Joyce and Hopper had officially started dating. But most importantly one year since the couple decided to move back to the town they forever had called home. It had been one year since Joyce had sold her house and they had bought a new one. This house would be the one were they would live the rest of their lives together. The house were their children would grow up.

The town talked for many months of how Hopper misteriously came back from the dead. But most shockingly that he was now back and in a relationship with the town's crazy mother. The couple didn't really care. They knew the truth and what it took for them to find each other again.


"Hopper come on we have to go" Joyce shouted as she was finishing doing her hair. Hopper had been inside the restroom for what seemed like ages.

"And they say women take a long time getting ready" Joyce thought to herself as she walked to the bed to get her purse. Hopper had gotten a babysitter(Steve) to look after the kids while they went out for dinner for the first time in months. What she didn't know was that Hopper was proposing tonight and he was really nervous. Which is why he was inside the restroom trying to keep himself together.

"Joyce would you marry me?" He said talking to himself in front of the mirror."No, it needs to be more personal"

"Hopper come on. We are going to be late." He jumped a little as he heard Joyce once again scream for him. He looked at himself one last time, put the ring in the inside pocket of his jacket and gave himself a thumbs up.

"Okay. I'm ready" He stepped out and standed in front of her. She looked stunning. She wore a red dress that showed of her curves, had on light makeup and high heels. He walked up to her and gave her his arm. They walked outside side by side and went to give Steve their last instructions.

"Please Steve if anything at all happens call us. You have my number, Hopper's and the restaurants. Don't even hesitate in calling us."

"Everything will be fine Mrs.Byers." He gave her the last assurance and she finally started walking over to the car after saying goodbye to all the gang.

"Good Luck Hopper" Steve told Hopper since everyone but Joyce knew of the proposal. He gave Steve a nervous smile and followed Joyce to the car.


Once they got to Enzo's Hopper's nervousness began to multiply. They were standing at the entrance of the restaurant waiting for their turn.

"Hello. I have a reservation under the name of Hopper. Jim, Hopper. "

"Yes sir. Please follow us this way."

"You go ahead Joyce." Hopper said taking Joyce by surprise.

"Your not coming.?" She asked.

"Of course. Just go on first."

"O-Okay."Joyce followed the waiter to the table while he turned back at the host.

"As I told you in the phone call when I made the reservation, I am proposing tonight. How can I do it? I mean do ya'll have like"deliver it on the dessert" or something like that." The host looked at him weirdly. He kept asking himself if he had something on his face or something.

"Something wrong?" He asked finally with a little frustration on his tone.

"You are the man that came here more that a year ago and kept calling me Enzo. You also left with a bottle screaming"I'm the chief of police I can do whatever I want" The host said mimicking him. "I guess it worked out though." He said pointing at Joyce who was sitting at the table.

"Yeah but I wasn't really screaming. It was more like stating, just making my point clear."

The host just smiled nodding." And yes. We do do those sort of things. We can deliver it on the dessert."

"Yes, Perfect" He said smiling and passing the ring over.

"You just go sit down with your future wife, relax. And let us do the magic." The host gave him a genuine smile and Hopper calmed down a little bit.

"Thank you." Hopper gave the host one last smile and walked over to the table were Joyce was waiting.

"Hey." Hopper said as he sat down down in the chair opposite to Joyce.

"Hey. What took you so long.?"

"Just you know. Th- The usual talk."

"Yeah. I guess."

The waiter came by and took their orders while they just talked. Their orders where quickly brought and they started eating. They laughed and enjoyed their meal. But just as Joyce finished eating his nerves started to creep up again.

"Is everything okay, You look kinda nervous.?" Joyce said taking his hand across the table.

"Yeah. Everything is fine ?" He calmed down a little when he felt the warmth of her hand against his and her soft smile.

He looked back to see the waiter approaching with the cart.

"Here is your desert, sir, enjoy." The waiter left but not before giving him a thumbs up. Hopper grabbed the plate that was covered. He slowly took of the top and looked up at Joyce.

"Joyce... You have been here for everything. You are my life ...and I just can't explain in words how much I love you. Thank you for loving me when you deserve so much more. Would you marry me ?" Hopper got down on one knee and waited for her response. He saw her smile and her eyes filling up with tears and he couldn't help but have the same response.

"Yess... A million times yes." She smiled and leaned down to kiss him. He stood up not breaking the kiss. She slowly pulled away and slid the finger into her finger.

"Thank you for making me the happiest woman alive."

"No Joyce. Thank you." He hugged her lifting her up from the floor. The people in the tables around clapped and congratulated them.

"I think it's time to go back to our children." Joyce said.

"I would too."

They had been home for awhile. Once they arrived Joyce told the kids about their engagement but of course they already knew. They set the kids to sleep and thanked Steve.

In the moment they were laying in bed holding each other.

"We should get married as soon as we can ." Joyce said.

"I want to give you an amazing wedding. I don't want you to limit yourself."

"I don't want a big white wedding. I just want our family and close friends to be there. All I care is that I end up being Mrs. Hopper." She smiled after her ears heard what was soon to be her name.

"Joyce you deserve the world and I know I can't give you that. Please let me give you a huge wedding."

"Nope. I just want you. If we make it huge it'll lose the meaning. I don't love you for what you can give me. But for who you are."

He stayed quiet before responding." You really are perfect. I love you Joyce. Good night."

"I love you too. Good night." She moved up and pecked his lips before settling in for the night.

I know some of you want to kill me. I took ages to update and I apologize. But here it is, the new chapter. I'm thinking of ending this story with 2 or 3 more chapters. I still don't know. But thank you to all of you who are reading and haven't given up on me.

Also if you are also a Cher or Meryl Streep fan, I have a second account (chermeryl14) were I also write. Please go read these stories.

I love ya'll. ❤❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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