Finally pt.1

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The next two chapters are going to be about  the rescuing  so the rest rest of the story can really only be about jopper.
As everyone got out of the car the kids waiting outside walked towards them.
Joyce also noticed that Owens was standing near the entrance.
"Hey Owens. How are you?" Joyce asked as she walked towards him leaving the kids to talk behind.
"I'm doing fine. How about you?
"Same I'm just really nervous of whats coming ahead"
"I'm sure everything will turn out fine. Hopper is a strong man."
"Yes. Yes he is. So we should be getting inside?"
"Of course." Joyce turned around and noticed that the kids were already walking towards the so she didn't have to tell them.
The place had been left just how they had last seen it.Joyce felt a shiver go down trough her spine as she started to think of everyone that had walked through here not knowing what was beneath their feet.
  They all walked to behind the mall were the "elevator" was at. The one leading them to the gate.  Joyce smiled as she remembered their little fight.
  "Just because it isn't your doesn't mean it's a bad one."
"I never said it was bad."
"You made a noise"
"What is up with you and noises"

  She felt like it took eternity to get to the gate. But once she was there she found herself having courage that not even she knew where it came from.
"Okay Joyce like I told Murray. We have to be quick. We don't know if we are being watched."
"Okay" was everything she could say. She was nervous and excited but also scared, she felt like it was a bad combination.
"Who is going in with you?"
"Murray,El and Steve. The rest will stay outside to keep an eye outside."
"Also joyce i brought some weapons just in case."
Owens gave a gun to Joyce,Steve and Murray. Joyce didn't know how to use a gun but if saving Hopper would have to teach her. So be it.
"Okay when ever you are ready" Owens said from the room above.
Joyce took a look back and saw her son before stepping inside the gate.
Hopper was sitting in the corner as usual. He knew thatvhe would be killed soon since the russians had heard what they wanted and he wasn't answering any questions. Then he started to think think of the three girls he has fallen in love with.
  Sarah, the first girl he had madly fallen in love with. It terrified him to seeing her in the hospital but what was even more terrifying was to see her little eyes run out of life. And after she died he just felt broken inside.
  Then he thought about El. She had been suffering since her first day on earth. And then everyone thought she was dead. He fed her some eggos and took care of her.  For once he thought she was happy. And without knowing she was also helping him by giving him  a second chance in the fatherhood experince.
  And then Joyce. When Will went missing everyone taught she was crazy but she was just being a mother. A mother that would do anything to save her son. Including hanging lights around the house and going inside the upside down. And for that she was the strongest and most bravest woman he could ever meet.For that and many other reasons is that he loved her with all his heart.
  Today was just like any other day he was waiting for the guards to escort him into the question room.
A/n I know this has a weird ending but it will continue in the next chapter. Thanks for reading.

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