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  At about 3 a.m there was a knock on the door.
  "Thank God Murray you're here." " Okay Joyce we have to talk" " Yeah just come inside"
   The kids were asleep, so it was only her and Murray at the table.
" When did El say he saw him"
" Just today , at school."
  "Joyce I know it may sound very exiting for you to know that Hop is alive but I'm not saying it's going to be easy."
"I know, but I can't spend another day thinking that he is in there suffering. And it's even worse knowing that he has been there for 5 months."
"I know. But we have to start planning this out. We have to take El since she has her powers back and could really help us."
  "We have to take all the kids they could be really helpfull." " Taking a whole bunch of kids is not really going to help us Joyce" "Hey those kids have been there since Will disappeared, they know what to do"
"If you say so."
"Later we are going back to Hawkins and telling them the plan and tomorrow we will go save him."
"Joyce, not to bother you now but. I told you, you liked him. Ya'll just didn't listen to me. And ---"
"Hey i don't need one of those talks rigt now.And yes we didn't listen, but I know now and when I see him I am not missing the opportunity. So don't bother me until morning. Sleep in the couch. Good night."
"In the couch Joyce, really?"
"Or in the floor how ever you want it"

I Will See You Again. - (Jopper)Where stories live. Discover now