Almost there

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                    The russians
Joyce regreted opening the door immeadiatly .Just when she  tried to run to warn  El and Will . One of the russians grabbed her by her hair and brought her down instantly.
  Joyce just layed on the floor until the second one grabed her and sat her up.
"Where is the girl?"one of them asked.
"I don't know who  are you'll talking about".
"This is how you want it,eh?"the second one said with a tick accent.She didn't see the punch coming until it was too late. Blood started dripping from her lip.
   As she sat up she saw El coming from the end of the hallway. Then she screamed and threw one to the wall and broke the others ones neck.
El walked closer to Joyce. "Mom ... A-are you okay?"
"Yes sweetheart but we have to leave more bad men could be coming. Go tell Will we are leaving please."
"Okay" El helped Joyce get up and left to go and tell Will. Joyce grabed a few stuff quickly. They left and went to knock on Murray's door.
  Murray wasn't in the same room as them. They hurried downstairs and Joyce knocked really hard.
  "Jesus. Joyce are you getting killed. What happened to your face?"
"Russians" was the only explenation that came to her mind." We have to leave so get what you need fast."
Murray ran around getting things and when he was done they ran to the car.
Since Murray insiated in driving she thought. She thought of all the outcomes. The good and the bad. She also thought about Hopper. How their future could be together. And that filled her with hope. She loved him. She loved him so much that just thinking of him getting hurt broke her a little bit. And then they pulled in the malls parking lot and knew she would see him soon.
She would see him again.
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What they didn't know was that the russian that was thrown against the wall wasn't dead and that just when the car left he got up and called his boss.
"The girl is here, just left with the woman. And there on their way to save him".

I Will See You Again. - (Jopper)Where stories live. Discover now