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And as if the heavens had heard her a slow, romantic song started playing. She saw as people walked over to the dance floor. Oliver put the drink down and held his hand out.

" Forget about the drink, dance with me" he kept his hand out and waited for her response. She looked over at Hopper who by now was looking directly at her also waiting for her answer.

"Of course. She took his hand and he led her to the dance floor. He put his hands on her waist and she put hers on his shoulders."

" So where are you from?" she was strartled by his question since she kept turning back to look at Hopper."I am from Hawkins. Indiana"
"I have heard of that place. They say it's hell"

"It really isn't." They kept talking  and Joyce made sure to throw in a couple of laughs so that  it looked like they were having a good time. After a while she got bored and started walking over to the table and saw that Hopper wasn't there anymore. She got closer and took a sip of the drink while looking around for him. She froze when she saw him at the end of the bar talking with a woman. Woman was an overstatement. She was barely twenty and was all Joyce wasn't. Blonde, tall, a figure she would die for and youth.

She wanted to scream ,go over there and drag Hopper out of her claws.But she decided to order another drink and sit down and watch his every movement. About five minutes she started to touch his arm once in a while . Then at about ten minutes she was all over him and it looked like he didn't care. She was starting to get pissed,not pissed, jealous.But she just couldn't admit that she was losing on her own game. When she noticed that Hopper was also starting to get close, she had had enough.

"Hop we have to go.It's late and the kids will be home soon" she was looking directly at Hopper until the woman beside him spoke.

"Is she your wife?" The young girl looked her up and down and then turned and looked at Hopper. 

"Of course not. We are just friends " The way he said it broke her heart. It sounded as if he would never fall for a woman like her.

"Hop we really have to go"

"Okay. I'm going" He let go of the girl and gave her a kiss on the cheek."Don't forget to call me" He winked at her and walked away with Joyce by his side. This is not what she wanted. She didn't want Hopper to run into another woman's arms.She couldn't stand the thought of him touching touching any other and much less the woman inside calling him at any moment.She walked outside and by now she was fuming.

"Am I  just a game to you?"

"What do you mean?"

" You invited to dinner so that you could flirt with some blonde bitch"

"Oh my god you are jealous"

"What? That is not the point"

" It is the totally the point because you left first"

"Because they invited me. You chose to leave and flirt with her"

"Well I wasn't going to sit there and watch you dance with your new boyfriend. Not again"

"Boyfriend. Look who's talking. You gave her your number"Before Hopper could answer a taxi stopped in front of them. Just as soon as Joyce got in she turned and faced the mirror so that Hopper wouldn't see the tears that by now were pouring down her face.

" Joyce ... I ...I didn't mean to hurt you. You seemed really happy and I just couldn't stay there. The...jealousy was taking over me" When Joyce heard the last portion of his words, she knew she had gotten the answer she wanted.

"Why were you jealous?"

"Joyce isn't it obvious. I have loved you since the moment we saved Will from the Upside down. No wait...scratch that. I have loved you since high school. And when I see you with other men. It just breaks my heart and the jealousy takes over me."
"Hop I would like to say that I feel the same but..." For a moment Hopper's heart stop beating until she finished the phrase.
"Let me show it to you" she grabbed his shirt and brought him done to kiss her lips. He was so relieved to hear her say that. The kiss was just a few seconds long but it felt magical.
"I knew you were jealous too, that is why you made us leave"
"It was. But don't you ever do that to me again." This time he kissed her first. This kiss was different from the other one,this one was full of passion and hunger for each other. The fire between them had ignited and he just couldn't wait to get Joyce to himself.

The way home was short and before both could realize they were outside Joyce's house. Joyce ran out of the taxi and gave Hopper the 'come and get it look' that instantly turned him on.
He paid the taxi and took of running behind her.
She didn't get that far before he grabbed her and pinned her against the wall kissing her. "Where did you think you were going?" She didn't respond and instead pulled him down for a passionate kiss.
"What time is it?" She managed to ask between kisses.
"Don't worry about the time."He gave her another kiss and carried her to the bedroom. When he got there he gently put her down and started to unbutton his shirt while she quickly kicked off her shoes and unzipped her dress.
    He stopped for a moment to see her stand up and let her dress fall down exposing her lingerie which she had put much thought into. She was wearing a matching set with black and red lace that looked great on her body.
He stared at her for a long time causing her to become a little scared.
" Is there something wrong?" She tried her very best to sound confident.
"Hell no. Joyce you're just...perfect. You are much more than any man could want." He walked over to her and carried her to the bed laying her down but now with him on top of her. He started by kissing her chin and then down to neck then close to her cleavege.
   He just couldn't get enough of her. She was his new addiction and he did not plan on quitting any time soon.
   While he kept kissing her cleavege she undid his belt and started to pull his pants down. Once they were on the floor he stepped out of them and got closer to her. His hands roamed from her waist towards her back were he unhooked her bra. He threw it to the side and started kissing her breast. The sensation made Joyce moan and arch her back. He moved from her breast and started going down,she knew where he was heading. She heard about about it with Karen, but she had never experienced it herself.
  Her thoughts were interrupted when Hopper sucking and licking her womanhood.
"Oh God" she gasped and grabbed the sheets below her begging that Hopper wouldn't stop." Hopper...don't stop,please." When Hopper heard this he teasingly stopped and looked up to see her frustrating expression. She saw he was enjoying this and pulled him up.
  "Forget about teasing me, I want you." She kissed and also started pulling his boxers down with her hands. Without breaking the kiss the kiss he set himself in between her legs and entered her without warning.
She felt as he slowly started rocking her. He then pulled himself all the way out and in again just quicker than the first time. He set a slow but deep pace so that neither would go over the edge all to soon. They were full of passion and love. This was more them that sex, it was proof of their love for each other.
    Once they both climaxed Hopper layed down and Joyce rested her head on his chest. The silence that was now lingering wasn't awkward but peaceful. He was playing with her hair when she suddenly spoke.
  "That was amazing. And that thing at the beginning" She said while turning around to look at him.
"It was my pleasure." There was another moment of silence before Hopper spoke.
  "Joyce everything I made feel is true. I love you and I want to go to sleep knowing you are there. Just give me a chance and I swear I will make you the happiest woman alive,please."
  "A chance?. Hopper what we just did was wonderful. You don't need a chance because I had let you in the moment I knew you were alive. And even if this is the beginning of our relationship I can't imagine my life without you. I love you."
   "I love you too, Joyce" He kissed her and she laid her head back down.
  It didn't take long for them to fall asleep holding each other. They slept for 30 min before there was knocking on the door. She opened her eyes wide open realizing who it was.
"Oh God"
  I am so sorry for not updating this sooner.  But I am back and will update again soon. Thank you for reading. Love ya'll❤❤

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