Look Who It Is

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  Hopper woke up since the pounding on the door was alarming. He took a moment to acknowledge Joyce's terrified expression before himself realizing who was knocking.
  "That son of a bitch" He violently got up and started getting dressed.
"Hopper please don't. I'll try to handle him. Please" She also got up and started dressing.
   "Joyce. Why won't you open the damn door." Was heard form behind the door.She didn't even have to see him to know he was drunk.
   As she got to the door, Hopper grabbed her arm and spun her around.
  "I will be right here. If he gets violent I will be there in no time. Please be careful." She nodded and he gave her a kiss.
    She walked over to the door and opened it to reveal a very drunk Lonnie.
    "Why didn't you open the door ?"
"Because I don't have to do anything for you." With this he got closer to her face and looked directly at her.
  "You know how much I hate when you talk to me with sarcasm. And by the way why are you all dolled up."
    "I don't have to give you any explanations or follow your orders. You and I have been divorced for years."
  " I don't give a shit about your opinions. If I want you to not look like a whore you have to do as I say."
    "Lonnie you are drunk. Get the hell out of my house."
   "You don't tell me what to do. I don't want my son to be around a whore. By the way were is Will and Jonathan."
   "If you were a good father you would probably know where Jonathan is at. And I am not telling you were Will is at"
   " And why is that?"
"Because he doesn't need a drunk son of a bitch in his life." With this Lonnie did what he had never done even when they were married. Lonnie took out all of his rage when he slapped Joyce hard enough to make her stumble.
    At seeing this Hopper's blood boiled and he walked right up to Lonnie and punched him. Lonnie was taken aback as he thought he imagined seeing Hopper walk to him.
   "Joyce are you okay?" Hopper walked up to her and looked at her grabbing her cheek. She removed her hand to show a red mark on her cheek.
   "Yeah. I'm fine. Just please get him the fuck out of this house."
    "Don't worry. I was planning to." Hopper stepped back and walked over to Lonnie grabbing his shirt.
   "You were dead." Lonnie could only look at him with amusement.
  "Well I'm not. But you will be if you ever dare to come back and touch my girlfriend or any of the kids."
  "Oh. So you've been the one fucking her. That is why she was all dressed like a whore. To look like the rest. You know given your history."
   Hopper threw another punch at him. He hit the section right between his left eye and cheek.

  "Don't you ever talk about her like that. And don't you ever dare to come back. Because I swear to god, you will regret it." He let go of Lonnie. And without hesitating he walked up to his car and looked at her before getting in his car, driving away.
   Hopper walked up to her and hugged her. She looked in the verge of crying. He just held her and held  her tight kissing her head.
   "It's alright he is gone and I will make sure that he never bothers you again." He said giving her a kiss on the head.
  "Thank you for getting him out." She finally managed to say after a while of crying.
   "It was really no problem. But you should of seen his face when he saw me."
   "Oh I saw it alright."
"You want to go lay down." Before Joyce could move the phone rang and since she was closer she picked it up.
   "Oh Hey. How is it going? Whose house? It's fine but please be home by noon tomorrow." Once she hung up she turned and looked at Hopper.
   "It was the kids. They are sleeping over at a friends house."
  "Great. That is great. Joyce before we go lay down I want to ask you something and please be honest."

  "Okay "

"Has Lonnie come here like that before?"

"Only once and the kids where here so he couldn't do anything."

"Okay. Do you still want to go lay down"

"Yeah." Hopper walked up to Joyce and entwined their fingers together.They got up the stairs and opened the door to her room.He kissed her head and layed her down with him next to her. He opened his arms and she got closer. They were was moment of silence before she spoke.

"Hop I want to go back home."

"What do you mean"

   "I want to go back to Hawkins. The only reason I left is  because I couldn't bear being there without you. Everywhere I looked you were there." She stopped and looked up at him to tell him the rest. "And now that you are here and I'm ready to go back home and shout out to the town that you are alive and mine"

"And I would love to do the same and we are"


 Hey guys I'm sorry for not updating sooner. But as you may see here it is the next chapter. And I'm thinking something big for the next chapter. Thanks for reading

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