Finally pt.2

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He hears footsteps coming and assumed that it was the russians but then the guard outside his door fell to  the ground without a reason. Then he got up to look through the hole and thats when he saw them. El,Murray and Joyce standing just outside his cell door.
"Dad" El said trying really hard not to cry. Murray bend over to garb the keys from the guard.
"Here" he passed the keys to Joyce. As each lock clicked she felt closer and closer to him. Then when the last lock clicked she ran to his arms. He hugged her tightly and both started crying.
"I always knew you weren't gone " Joyce whispered in his ear as she pulled away.
When they let go he saw his daughter. And for a moment she just standed there. But then she just ran into his arms and started crying instantly.
"I missed you so much kid."
"I missed you too."
It felt like years before he let go of El.

"I am so sorry to interrupt this moment but we have to leave. We don't know if we are being watched." Murray said walking closer to Hopper. Then he put Hopper's arm around his shoulders to help him walk. Joyce was about to the same but he stoped her.
"It's okay. I can walk. Thank you." He said moving his arm from Murray's shoulders.
They started walking down the hallway but Joyce stoped Hopper.
"Here. You might need it" she said handing him a gun.
"Oh. Thanks." He said giving her the heart  eyes that she for so long needed. She blushed fiercely and felt that she should tell him how she felt in this moment but knew that time was not really on their side.
"I need to tell you something but not here."
"Okay. It's not bad right ?"
"Oh no. Not at all. It's just really important" she wanted this moment to last forever but before she could really embarce it Murray stepped in the middle.
"I'm sorry to interrupt whatever is happening but we have to go"

"Yeah. We're sorry." Hopper looked back and smiled  at Joyce before he started walking. She couldn't wait to tell him how she felt.
They walked all the way to the door that led them to the gate when an alarm started sounding off the speakers.
"That can't be good" joyce said taking out the gun that Owens gave her.

"Hey you know how to shoot ?" Hop said looking at how badly she was holding the gun.
"Not really but I'll just have to learn  now."
"Okay grab it tightly, point and shoot. Now time to put it to action" he said as alot of russians came through the doors.
   Joyce didn't even have to see the russians. She only noticed them when Hop started shooting. He took out a few while she was trying to figure it out.
"Fuck it" she closed her eyes and shoot one of the russians. Luckuly she actually hit him.
"Hey you can't close your eyes" Hop looking at her like she just did something crazy.
"It worked. That's what matters"

Before more russians could come El and Murray went into the gate.
"Come on Joyce' more could be coming."
As they ran to the gate. Someone grabed Joyce by the wrist. Her eyes couldn't believe it.
"Brenner? But you're  dead."
"No I'm not. But you will be soon. Eleven is only bad news . Ya'll don't need to keep her. My partners could take care of her just like I did."
"You never took care of her. You abused that poor girl. You are a monster" Joyce said giving him the most serious look she had.
But before he could respond  Hop had shoot him. Joyce turned around and saw that more russians were coming. Hop grabbed her and together they went inside the gate.

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