Not really Enzo's

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   Once they got to Joyce's new house they ate a quick meal and went to sleep. Since the guest bedroom was a mess he would have to sleep on the couch.
"I swear it will be clean by tomorrow. I'm so sorry"
"It's fine. Thank you"
Each went to their room and it didn't take long for them to fall asleep.
The next morning Hopper woke up first and decided to make breakfast for everyone. It's true, he wasn't the best cook but he knew some things. He checked the fridge to see what he was working with and found,eggs,bacon,
juice and eggos(which he had grown to hate). He had just what he needed.
Joyce woke up in the morning with the shimmer of the sun coming thru the window. It took her a moment to notice the chatter downstairs and got up to go check it out. When she opened the door the smell of bacon instantly made her stomach growl. At the end of the stairs she stoped for a moment and watched the children having breakfast with Hop.
It warmed her heart to see her family together. She knew that Hopper was only a friend but she could depend on him for everything. And El which she loved as her own, but the truth was that she wasn't. She felt complete yet Jonathan wasn't here.Shit. She hasn't even called him to tell them the news about Hopper's return.
"Good morning" Hopper's voice broke her from her brain of thought.
"Good morning. Hop you didn't have to."
"I know. But I wanted to thank you and saving you from  worrying about breakfast is the least I can do. Come on and have breakfast with us."
Joyce walked over to the table and sat next to Hop. The morning was mostly catching Hopper up on what has happened and so.
  Once they were done eating breakfast Joyce went upstairs and started started cleaning the guest room.
"Mom" El was calling her from the couch. "Mom ,Will and I wanted to go down to the arcade later and I asked Dad but he said to ask you. Can I go?"
"Of course you can" Joyce looked over to see Hopper cleaning the kitchen.
She walked up to him and put an arm around him.
  "Hey. You are her father. She doesn't need my concent anymore"
"It's just that I feel like she isn't my daughter anymore. I feel like I failed her. She needed me by her side and I wasn't there."Hop looked down trying really hard not to cry.
"Don't be silly. That girl loves you. And the moment she knew you were alive she wanted to rescue you. Jim look at me. You have given her love,shelter and a home. You are the best father she could have."
"Thank you."
"No problem. I'ma keep cleaning the room." Joyce started walking back but he stoped her."Hey Joyce, later when the kids leave. Do you want to... I don't know have dinner?"
"Yeah. Of course. And it could make up for the date you owe me. There is not an Enzo's here but we could find somewhere"
The kids had left about an hour ago and Hopper was about ready. But Joyce decided today was the day she would share her feelings. So she did her makeup and she wore a dress and heels,which she hadn't worn in ages but she felt pretty confident.
She worked on her hair until she felt satisfied and finally checked herself in the mirror. And she actually liked her reflection for the first time since Will had dissapeared. She felt pretty and hoped that Hopper would feel the same.
Hopper was wearing a button up shirt and some jeans. He was a little nervous but happy it was finally happening. Hopper was sitting in the couch waiting for Joyce to come down. Then he heard the tap of her heels and got up quickly to see her coming down. He believed Joyce was beautiful no matter what she wore but wow did she look stunning.
"Joyce you look... Amazing." Hopper gave her his arm and she gladly took it . " Thank you. You look handsome." She gave him a smile and they walked out the door.
They walked to an Italian restaurant not far from the house.
"Welcome to Ravenna. Table for two?"
"Yes"both said at the same which produced a giggle from Joyce which were like music to his ears.
"Okay follow me." Their table was just next to the dance floor. It was a beautiful restaurant. With hardwood floors and a detailed table setup.
"The waiter will be with you in a moment." About 2 minutes later the waiter had come to give them the menu and to take their order.
"So what do you work in now?"
"I work at a grocery store but today and tomorrow are my days off." She looked down since the nervousness was starting to creep it's way up." I need to ask you something and I need you to be honest. Okay."
"It's fine. You can ask me anything."

"Are you going back to Hawkins?"
"I don't know. I don't have a job and I obviously can't live in the guest bedroom forever. I don't know right now."
"It's fine if you want to go back. We can perhaps go back on the weekends and fix your cabin so that you can move back." She really didn't mean it. She didn't want him to leave. She had just got him back and wasn't prepared to lose him so quickly.
Before he could respond the food was brought and she decided to let the topic down. She wanted to embrace this moment that she had begged to the universe to be given to her.
They talked more and were having a good time all together. Then the waiter came over with a drink that neither had asked for.
"Sorry to interrupt. The gentlemen on the bar has send this drink for you mam."
"Oh. I'm sorry but can you tell him that I'm fine." The waiter walked over to the man and told him what Joyce had said. But he did not give up, he got the drink and brought it over personally.
"Good evening. My name is Oliver Williams and I just wanted to buy a beautiful woman like you a drink. I did not intend to bother you or your husband."
"Husband? Oh no. We are just friends" A sudden idea came to her mind. She knew she loved him but what about him? She needed to know if he loved her too. And this man right here was going to be her tool. What was the harm in putting Hopper up for a little test?
Thank you all so much for helping me get 1k  views. I really appreciate it.❤❤And also this chapter was longer than any others. Would you like me to write chapters just as long as this one or shorter ones. Please let me know and again Thank you so much.

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