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*a.n; read in dark mode.*

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Lee Minho,
Even if there was no gravity
on this Earth, I'd still
fall for you.

Today, you look beautiful,
just like you always do.
I hope someday I'll be able
to tell you how I feel. I've
liked you since years ago.

Lifting a brow in confusion, Minho swung
his locker door shut. The thin, white
sheet of paper was still in his grasp.

He eyed it for a few seconds.
"Probably some girl that wants to get fucked,"
Minho snickered, crumpling the note in
his grip. Still, he had to admit, this
was the first time somebody left a
confession in his locker anonymously.

He walked away, nonchalantly tossing
the crushed paper into the trash bin.
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