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I want to give you the universe.
But here's the thing, you deserve
way more. I'm so happy to see that
you haven't been throwing my notes
away. When we share classes, I love
hearing you talk with your friends.
Your voice is just so beautiful, it
soothes me and feels like heaven.

I wish I could hug you at least once.

Jisung walked to Minho's locker, once
again in the early hours of the morning.
He was about to slip the note in as
usual, but something caught his

A folded piece of square-ruled paper
was sticking out through the crack
of the locker door. Jisung did not know
if he should take it, since it could
be something personal and he did not
want to pry.

Finally making up his mind, Jisung put
his note into the locker then carefully
pulled the squared paper out.

He unfolded it, gasping a little
in surprise. His heart stopped.

It was a response from Minho.


Hey, anonymous cutie.
I don't know your name but I'm sure
it is as beautiful as your feelings.

I'd love to find out who you are.
Thank you for the notes. They make
my day better. <3


Jisung pursed his lips to contain the
squeal that tried to escape. His heart
raced, and cheeks flushed pink. He took a
deep breath and held the paper against
his chest, breaking out into a broad smile.

"Finally.. He finally acknowledges
my feelings."
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a;nso i wanted to try something new with the note border sksksksk i hope u like it

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so i wanted to try something new with the note border sksksksk i hope u like it

NOTES  ーminsung ✓Where stories live. Discover now