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"But it's been fifteen minutes!
You're gonna get yelled at for
sure, Jisung."

Leaving Felix behind (along with
his lunchbox of carefully prepared
food that Changbin was reaching out
to steal from), Jisung bolted out
of the classroom to hunt for his
Geometry teacher. Thanks to dozing
off in class, the boy did not hear
when his teacher asked to meet him
during lunch break regarding his
missed lessons.

Interval was to end in five minutes.
The halls were at their busiest, with
students just chatting or picking their
stuff for the next class. Jisung cursed
as his shoulder bumped into multiple
students by accident while he hurried.

Within a blink, he face-planted
somebody's chest real hard. The
force sent him stumbling backwards
as he lost his balance and fell
on his butt.

"I'm sorry! I didn't J-Jisung..?"

Jisung whipped his head up at the
voice and locked eyes with Minho,
whose breath seemed to have stopped.
It was suddenly silent in the hall.
Bumping into the one person he wanted
to avoid had somehow grabbed every
students' attention. Their eagle eyes
watched intently, greedy for gossip
and drama.

Jisung felt time stop for an instant.
He didn't realise he had missed Minho
this much, despite how hurtful his
words were before.

The brunette scrambled to his feet
and averted his gaze. His legs were
too weak to push past the boy and
escape. He took a step back with
a gulp. But without warning, Minho
grabbed his wrist and yanked him
forward. Jisung's breath caught in
his throat once his body pressed
against Minho's, the older now
firmly gripping onto his waist.

No words left Minho's mouth.
Instead, before he could think,
he lifted Jisung's face by his chin
and within a matter of seconds,
connected their lips.

Like Jisung would disappear if
he didn't hold on, Minho's arm
tightened around the shorter boy's
waist, pulling him impossibly closer.
He grasped Jisung's messy hair tighter
once his kiss got no response. After
snapping back to reality, Jisung
finally let his hands wrap around
Minho's neck and melted into the
kiss, moving his lips in sync.

From the gasps of the shocked
students to the sound of multiple
phone cameras clicking, nothing
mattered to either of them. Only
until they heard the deafening yell
of their enraged headmaster.
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