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---------untitled #141
This. Is. Not. Fair! Minho looked so fucking cute today. How is that possible? He's really unhealthy for my heart... Like my gay literally jumped out! First thing in the morning! How is Lee Minho real??? (I mean the one born on oct 25 1998 because that's the only Minho that matters to me.)
Anygay, I was happy to surprise Lucas with a new guitar today. Lil bro deserved it hehe.

I kinda want to confess.

---------untitled #142
Went to get ice cream with Binnie and <3Min<3 and I got mint chocolate for Minho. He loved it. The way his eyes sparkled once he tasted it won't leave my mind. He's an angel. My angel. Should I confess?

Oh right. Someone's leaving anonymous letters in Minho's locker and I don't like it.

---------untitled #143
Minho isn't throwing it away. Why? Why is he keeping that note?  It's in his journal. I don't like this. Whoever it is can fuck off. Leave my Minho alone.

---------untitled #144
I can't believe this. A damn laced choker! He wore it, God dammit. How and why? To kill me? That was the s e x i e s t thing I ever witnessed my entire life. Woah. Minho is beautiful.

But one thing bothers me so bad. He wants to write a response note.

---------untitled #145
He wrote a response. He won't concentrate in class anymore. All because some stupid confession makes him smile.


Why can't I be the reason for his smile?

---------untitled #146
I found out. It's Han. I hate him. I hate him for many reasons now. Why am I like this?

I hate that he has the courage to confess even if it's anonymous. Fuck. I'll destroy him.

---------untitled #147
Minho won't believe it's Han.

---------untitled #148
What the fuck Seo Changbin. Why. I thought we were best friends. Guess I never mattered, in the end. He's defending Han. Why? Why can't he see I've loved Minho since forever?

Why are my feelings



---------untitled #149
I need to stop this. I need to destroy Han Jisung.

---------untitled #150
Exposed him.

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